2 - Emotionally Drained

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The Doctor's head was scrambled. He sat in the back of Clara's Year 11 Form Class – 11C. The hands of the clock were slowly counting down to assembly. He watched as the seconds passed, anxious to get Clara alone. He just needed to talk to her. He wanted to try and clear things up between them. Hearing the soothing tick of the clock overhead, the Doctor began to zone out. He was obviously enthralled with Clara.

The first time they met, she was trapped in the Dalek asylum and she'd died. Oswin Oswald, she'd called herself. The second time they met, she was a nanny in Victorian England... or a barmaid. He'd never really had the opportunity to ask because once again, she died. Eventually, he tracked her down to Coal Hill in 2013 and decided to go and uncover what was happening after all. Twice he'd heard her say the same thing: 'Run You Clever Boy, And Remember.' What could it mean and why did she keep saying it? Also, why did she keep on dying!? She did it more than Rory! Many questions about her flooded his head. Clara's continual deaths weren't the only aspect of Clara on his mind. Their recent kiss kept replaying over and over in his head, stirring something within him. It wasn't that he regretted the kiss itself. It was more like he regretted how he'd handled it. His bumbling about and indecisiveness made sure there was just that hint of awkwardness between them. He wished he could just go and grab her right now and show her that he was more than just a fumbling awkward giraffe-man. But that would be inappropriate considering they were in a classroom filled to the brim with minors.

"Doctor?" Clara said, derailing the Doctors' train of thought. He looked up and noticed the classroom was now empty bar him and Clara. The short woman was stood in front of him. He glanced up at the clock. 9 am. Assembly.

"Did you hear a word I just said?" She asked, hands placed on her hips.

"Yes, of course I did!" The Doctor said, getting to his feet. She cocked her head at him, scolding him in silent. "Okay, no I didn't."

"Something on your mind?" She asked as she perched on the edge of the nearby desk.

"Yeah, there is." The Doctor said, slowly approaching her.

"You wanna talk about it? I mean, it is your assembly but if you need to get it off your chest, I'm here for you." Clara said, quickly glancing out of the small window of the shut door. The corridor was seemingly empty and if her and the Doctor were late to assembly, oh how the rumour mill would turn. That really was the last thing she needed in her current state. But there she was. Once again, alone with this strange, intriguing, handsome man and she was itching to know more about him.

"I think," he said as he got nearer and nearer to Clara, his mind racing. "It would be best to get it out of my head."

Clara's breathing slowed. Around them, the tension was building. It was looming, heavy and thick in the air. To her, it felt as if it could be cut as easily as butter with a sharp knife. Clara felt a familiar swirling in her stomach, a sensation she hadn't felt in a while.

"And how would you go about that?" Clara asked, leaning back slightly as she slid her hands back and sat properly on the desk. The Doctor stood directly in front of her, no more than three inches away.

"I think," the Doctor leaned towards Clara, shortening the distance between them. "Like this." Taken off guard, Clara's breath hitched. As if in slow motion the Doctor's lips edged closer to hers.

She could feel his lips gently graze hers for a second and they were gone again. Clara opened her eyes and saw the Doctor staring down at her, his blue eyes darker than ink. He gently placed his left index finger under her chin and tilted her head up. The anticipation flooded Clara as the Doctor re-approached her face. The Doctor was feeling significantly more confident than the last time they had kissed. He kissed Clara lightly, gaining his bearings. Passion and lust coursed through the Doctor's veins. His hearts were pounding so ferociously he was certain Clara could hear them. He wasn't one to just throw caution to the wind. Well... he was, but just not like this.

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