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eddiek created a group chat

operation save reddie🤚

eddiek: guys reddie is dying and we NEED to save it
bevmarsh: what do you mean? what's happening?
birdboi: i'm so confused
eddiek: richies been acting weird and i think he's starting to loose feelings
mikethebike: whAT
b-billy: omg NO we have to save reddie
benhanscom: omg omg omg what do we dO
eddiek: i'm gonna text him
bevmarsh: tell us what happens omg

trashmouthh: eddiek has sent you a dm
eddiek: hi rich
trashmouthh: hey eddie
eddiek: can we talk please
trashmouthh: yeah sure what about
eddiek: idk u just seem really off with me at the moment
trashmouthh: yeah ik sorry
eddiek: don't apologise it's okay :) can i ask you something?
trashmouthh: sure
eddiek: do u still like me
trashmouthh: i don't know
eddiek: how do u not know
trashmouthh: idk
eddiek: just think about it rich do you like me or not
trashmouthh: i'm sorry eddie
eddiek: is that a no then
trashmouthh: yes
eddiek: so does that mean we're not like a thinG anymore
trashmouthh: i guess..
eddiek: ok. 

operation save reddie🤚

eddiek: we broke up.
b-billy: OMG NO
mikethebike: awe eds do u want to talk about it🥺
eddiek: no it's okay i'm just gonna get some sleep and maybe just cry for like an hour or two
eddiek left the group
bevmarsh: awe he broke his lil heart🥺🥺
benhanscom: poor eds🥺🥺

so um IM SORRY but i promise things will get better..eventually.... also i'm sorry this chapter was so shitty lmao

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