Chapter 14

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I set to work, trying to fit the key into the shackles.  Thorin, having freed himself from his attack, rushed to my side and grabbed the key.  Fitting it in the key hole, he unlocked the shackles and helped me to my feet.  I immediately shifted into a wolf and attacked the nearest goblins, tearing them to shreds.  The goblins shrieked and jumped on my back from all sides, trying to stop me.  I shifted into my dwarf form and picked up my blade.

Almost instantly, I killed off 5 goblins with as much ease as when I was in Mirkwood.  It had been so long since I used a blade.  Shouldering my quiver and bow, I followed the dwarves and Gandalf, trying to escape this labryinth.  Thorin stayed by my side, leading us and seeming to protect me.  Soon, we found our path blocked by the goblin king.

"What are you going to do now, wizard?"  He and Gandalf faced off, the dual ending when Gandalf sliced his throat.  "That would do it..."  The boards creaked below our feet before the bridge broke, sending us all free falling.  When we landed, I leaped off the bridge and brushed myself off, trying to sound calm.

"Is everyone alright?"  Bifur shrugged as he caught his breath under the bridge.

"That could have been a lot worse..."  Suddenly, the dead goblin king fell onto the bridge, causing it to crash on a few of the dwarves.  Gwalin groaned and grumbled.

"You have got to be joking!"  I tried not to laugh as I turned to examine the walls.  Goblins were crawling down them like insects.  Gandalf helped me pull everyone free.

"The only chance we have is the light!"  My eyes widened.

"You know the way out!"  He nodded as he took off.  We all followed, and the light soon shined at the end of the tunnel.  As soon as we were out, we didn't stop running until we were a few miles away from the cave.  I doubled over, gasping for air, as Gandalf did a head count.

"Where's Bilbo?"  While the others frowned, Bifur and I exchanged looks.  Finally, Thorin spoke.

"I'll tell you where he is...  He turned his back on us and went back to his hearth and books.  Our burglar is long gone."  I hung my head, feeling horrible.  Suddenly, Bilbo appeared.

"No!  He's right here."  I heaved a sigh of relief as the others asked him why he came back.  He admitted to being home-sick and wanting to go back, but he also said he had something to go back to.  "And, that's why I came back.  I have a home, and you don't.  It was taken from you."  He looked at me and Thorin.  "And, I want to help you get it back."  I smiled and looked at Thorin, who seemed a little surprised.  Before I could say anything, we heard Wargs on the mountain side.  Thorin paled aand gulped.

"Out of the frying pan..."  Gandalf finished the sentence.

"...And into the fire!  Run!"  I thought about shifting, but Thorin caught my arm and dragged me along with him.  Soon, we realized the only way to escape being run down was by climbing.  And, we climbed the trees near the cliff.  As soon as everyone was safe from the Wargs' teeth, I looked out and saw Orcs.  The pale Orc was among them.  Thorin's jaw dropped.

"Arsock..."  The Orc stopped and smelled the air.  I growled as he spoke in his native tongue, which we understood.

"Do you smell that?"  I tried to ignore the scents as he spoke.  "It's the smell of fear.  Your father reeked of it...  Thorin Oakenshield."  I trembled slightly as his gaze turned to me.  "And you must be the single shapeshifter who escaped me..."  I gulped and growled at him.  He pointed at Thorin and I.  "Them, I want.  Kill the rest!"  I roared and jumped, turning into a Warg in midair.

Once I hit the ground, I started to fight off the Wargs who were attempting to reach the dwarves.  The others scrambled further into the tree and attempted to avoid the Wargs while I fought.  One caught my scruff only to receive a blow to the eye and lose its eye.  Another tackled me from the side.  I turned, bearing my fangs, and ripped out its throat.  Yet another attacked me from the front.  Before I could react, another rolled me onto my back and bit my side.  I shifted back into a dwarf as I cried out in pain.

Just then, the fire hit the ground beside me.  The dwarves were throwing burning pinecones to slow the Wargs down and to help me.  Rolling to my feet, I cluched my side, ignoring the pain.  Arsock's Orcs started after me, but the dwarves turned their aim to the Orcs.  I grinned and climbed the tree.  Thorin helped me up.

"Are you okay?"  I nodded and bit my lip as I sat back.

Before long, the tree tipped over the cliff.  I clung to the trunk as we fell, but I stayed on my feet.  As soon as I was sure I was okay, I looked up and saw Thorin charging at the pale Orc.  I started after him, but my side clenched in pain.  I whimpered as the pale Orc disarmed Thorin and sent him sprawling.

"Thorin!"  The pale Orc turned towards me.

I glared at him, ignoring my side, and shot at him with my bow.  He evaded the arrow with ease, which made me angrier.  Shifting into a Warg, I charged at him.  He lifted his blade and knocked me to the ground at his feet.  The blow had hit me hard enough to make me shift back to a dwarf.  Before I could find my feet, a Warg pinned me to the ground, growling.  An Orc hovered over me, his blade drawn.  The pale Orc shook his head.

"Not her..."  He pointed at Thorin with his good arm.  "Bring me his head."  I whimpered and struggled to free myself as the Orc secured Thorin and raised his blade.

"No!"  Out of nowhere, Bilbo flew at the Orc.

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