Chapter Fourteen: Aggretsuko

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All the other four had left to go out somewhere leaving me and Damiar home alone, In his bedroom. He had taken off his shirt leaving him just in his sweatpants and chain. My phone started ringing, I got up and walked over to the small table in front of the bed leaving Damiar alone on the covers, I flicked through my notifications as he made his way over to me, he grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me in close. He started planting small kisses on my neck
"Damiar" I laughed
"I told you I missed you" he whispered
"What happened to taking it slow?" I asked and turned around to face him. He pulled me in closer and smiled
"Come on we both knew that was bullshit" He picked me up and laid me down on the bed
"Damiar it's ten in the morning" I laughed
"All the same to me" He said unbuckling his belt
"Seriously? The guys are gonna be home in like twenty minutes"
"I can do twenty minutes"
"How about we make a deal?" I asked and Damiar crawled into bed next to me
"Mhmm?" He asked
"Just keep it PG now and then tonight since Willa is going out to New York for two days.."
"Done deal" Damiar said with a smirk
"I need to wash my face and get out of this" I laughed looking down at the itty bitty shorts
"Here you can wear my shirt" He said and gave me one of his favourite shirts. I grabbed my shorts from earlier this morning and then put his shirt on top. His shirt was way too big for me and it hung low, but it smelt like Damiar's cologne. "Your turn" I said nodding to the half naked Damiar. He shrugged and put on one of his hoodies. We both laid down on the bed together "What do we say to Instagram? April fools?" I joked
"I don't know that'd be kind of messed up, I wish you could ctrl+z real life" He said face palming
"We could wait a bit, and just stay unofficial for like a week or two and then say we worked through it?" I said unsurely and he kissed me on the head "You are a genius" He smiled "I think we should wait two weeks to tell the guys too"
"But keep dropping hints" I said, Damiar gave me a thumbs up. I laid my head next to his as he held me tight.
"Hold on I need to take an insta photo" I said and sat up. I positioned the camera so you could only see a white wall and me in front of it. I took a quick selfie and just captioned it "You should check out my Instagram". I sat back next to Damiar, he rested his head in my lap as I flicked through Netflix. I turned on Aggretsuko.

"This hoe is my life" I said watching the small red panda have a rage. Damiar was nuzzled into my neck, "Mhmm" He said. "Are you even watching?" I asked looking down to him
"I'm watching you watch it" He said
"Creepy" I mumbled. Damiar traces his lips down my neck, kissing me softly "What do you think you're doing?" I laughed, he looked up from my neck with a sinister smile. "What do you think I'm doing?" He asked
"Our deal?" I repeated
"This is PG" Damiar protested
"My lips are up here" I laughed
"Didn't want to block your view of that show" He said
"I'm sure that's why" I said sarcastically, Damiar climbed on top of me and I smiled looking up at him, he smiled biting his lip and leaned down closer "You missed me didn't you?" He asked and I nodded my head looking up at his hungry green eyes. His breath was hot on my face, he looked me up and down with a cheeky smirk, and lifted up my shirt revealing my pink lacy bra, he trailed from my neck down to my hips. "Damiar!" I exclaimed as he went further down. He looked up with a mischievous look "You like that?" He asked, I exhaled and looked down at him "When did you get so dominant?" I asked
"I heard I have a little competition with Kai, just reminding you whose number one" He said and leaned into my mouth. His tongue explored and pulled my closer, I ran my hands through his hair as he had one on my ass.

Five minutes or so later I pulled away flushed "Didn't know you did that" I laughed and Damiar shrugged with a smile. I slipped back on his shirt he gave me. "We're home!" Cap called out and I quickly got off of Damiar and turned back on Netflix. Damiars door slowly opened as Kai and Aviva walked in with McDonalds Bags. "We got foods!" Kai said excitedly but then his big smile turned to a look of anger.

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