🌸Tears to show the hell that just happened,Kisses to put it back toghether🌸

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Type: Angst then fluff
Gray holding a crying Natsu
Natsu cries themself to sleep with his head burried into Gray chest
Gray kissing Natsu Tears away
Natsu just lost igneel,after he "came back"
And Gray found him crying,and try to make him smile once more
The guild isnt breaking apart
Natsu and happy arnt leaving for a year.Just ... bare with the story

*extern point of wiew🔥❄*

...How did we get to this point?
Natsu was crying like he never did,
breaking his voice,letting his pain out.
He,who just find back his father,lost him in less than a day...
He was just sitting at his side.
The dragon slayer spend so many years chearching him,and in a matter of minutes lost him.

Happy,Natsu's best friend was watching from a bit further,sad for his friend but he knew he couldn't help...

The blue cat then heard something,it was ...Gray? The ice mage then approched the fire mage,sat on the floor and...Hugged him. Gray hugged the guy he concidered as his ennemy.

Even Natsu was shooked,still tearing up,he looked behind him,at Gray who looked back at him.Once again,Natsu broke down crying.The demon slayer then started petting Natsu's hair,while still hugging the trembling,crying boy.

Gray lost his dad,the same day,him who tought that he was dead from the beggening.But the difference is that Gray knew his dad wouldn't come back,but he did.
Natsu made everything for his to come back.and he did.

Gray may have hated the boy at the start but. . .The more the years passed,the more he found himself thinking of the fire mage,staring at him and... discovering his feeling for him.... Gray actually did loved the boy.
But had no trouble fighting or arguing with him as long as he didnt go as far as hurting the dragon slayer.he hated and loved him both at the same time.

Just seeing Natsu in this state made the ice mage heart broke,he didnt care if he exposed his feeling to Natsu,right now he just wanted him smile and laught again.Not crying and in pain like he was now...

Ice and Fire where always told that they couldn't make it toghether.
One melting the other and the other freezing the one.
But... right now they where there.
Lost,the two of them.

Gray,woth a soft voice asked then;

'Natsu,how do you feel now?'

With a sad,shaky,breath,The other
found the words to reply;

'Gray,Do not go away...
Nothings alright....
Everything burned away.....'

The icey boy,hugging the other with...a surprising warm and soft embrance answered to his requset

'I won't,i'll be there.
I want to make you happy again'

Natsu,rested his head on Gray's chest,everything falled silent under the wind and the silent,still falling,tears.

Happy,who wittnessed everything,smiled softly,he didn't exept the two of them to get along one day.

The demon slayer then grabbed the boy who was slowly falling,to notice that he was asleep.Crying that much sure is exausting so... why not let him rest?
In a second,Gray grabbed the little dragon briddial style and started heading toward natsu's house,not his,since it was now a destroyed place,Natsu's was the only still in a great shape,but was a bit further away.

The two boys made it.They where in the house.Gray,still carrying the sleeping Natsu,decided to lay him on his bed and make the both of them something to eat.
Happy,decided to stay with Lucy and the others.

The ice mage didn't do bad,he cooked a meal;
Some boeuf bourgignon
It was a recipy from another culture but ... it was good.
Gray then decided to go back to Natsu while the food was heating up.
Natsu still seemed to be shaking,so gray sat on the bed and hugged the sad boy.
He also kissed him,on the forehead,but it was a kiss non-less.

Gray was a bit   ... Shy? Nervous?
He was there,trying to take care of a boy that he loved dearly but hated with passion at the same time.
What will the others think?
No one should care,the only thing worst your attention right now is whats happening in that dear moment.

Natsu seemed to have calmed down,he was just sleeping in somewhat of a peace.The food was ready but who cares? It needs to heat down a little.And the ice mage had much more important to do.He was making sure that the boy that stole his heart wouldnt broke his own.

'If only you knew how much my heart needs you,you and your adorablness.
You and your sweet passion that you put in everything you do.You and your determination.Oh i hate and love you at the same time.I don't know why'

'Natsu,I'll make sure to hear your laught once again,as soon as it can be'

Natsu,unsurprisly then started to wake up.Gray just happenned to know that he didnt hear his words.he knew it.




Natsu,by Gray's surprise seemed a bit lost and embarrassed

'I took you back home'

'T-thank you.And im sorry for what happenned...'

'Don't blame yourself,anyone in this situation would have been sad too...'



'... Thank you,you don't know how much it means to me what you did...'

'I just hugged you and to you there,i ...didnt do much'

'But you stayed,while you could have run or told me to get over it,you stayed...thanks for that'

'W-well its nothing really...'
'I need to tell you somethimg Natsu...'

'Go ahead.'

'I ... may have catched feeling for your sweet face....'


'Im inlove with you.and i made food'

Natsu,stood,or in this case,layed speechless,the man who he tought that hated him with a freezin' passion reveald that his little frozen heart melted for him.And on top of that,he made food.What does he need more?
Natsu reached to his feelings.And decided to let the ice block tone everything down and enter his heart

'Look at me,an tell me why?'

'...i ...i just love you you idiot'


The fire mage then grabbed the ice mage by the collar of his shirt that he surprisingly kept on and trow his lips on his own. The two of them shared a kiss.It seemed like it dured forever.And it was like heven.

'Maybe i do love you too...'

By the chuckle of the raven-haired mage they both kissed again.

Maybe he is the cure to my sadness? Maybe ... we'll be thorn apart.But we'll enjoy it while it lasts....

The end

Graytsu🔥❄One-shots☂️🌦☂️May Include Other Fairytail Ship☂️🌦☂️Where stories live. Discover now