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"are you ready to go love" I heard Nessa yell for me

"I'll be down in a second" I yelled back

I walked out of Jaden's bathroom and he was still cuddled up in the duvet on his phone. He turned his phone off and looked in my direction

"Don't you wanna cuddle?" He asked sitting up in the bed

"Of course I wanna cuddle with you, but I can cuddle you when I get back" I smiled walking to the edge of the bed and looking at him

"5 minuites?" he asked reaching out to me

"when I get back" I laughed leaning down for a goodbye kiss

He reached his hands to my waist and tugged me on to the bed making me laugh uncontrollably

"Please" He betted his eyelashes "We can take another shower together" He smiled reffering to last nights events

"you sayin I need a shower" I cocked my head to the side

"If I say yes will you stay?" He asked smiling

"no" I laughed back leaning in for a kiss which he happily returned

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back, If you start to feel sick let them know okay? Don't try to push through" He said and I nodded

He finally let go and I re ruffled my curly hair in the mirror

"Who you tryna look good for?" Jaden asked smiling

"only you" I smiled back at him before placing my purse over my shoulder and walking to the door

"I'll text you when we get there and when we are on the way home" I said blowing him a kiss

"Okay baby, be safe" He said back

"I will" I replied walking down the stairs and to the kitchen. I grabbed my pain meds out of the cupboard and took two. I then placed them in my purse incase I need more.

"Took you long enough" Avani laughed once I reached the front door

"You can't imagine how needy that boy is" I laughed opening the front door

Nessa, Avani, and I all decided to go for a girls day. We're gonna get out nails done and maybe some new clothes. We invited Jess but I guess Bryce is taking her out for the day. He better be treating her well

We arrived at the nail parlor and we all decided on our colors. I decided on a light pink, Nessa did sky blue, and Avani did yellow. We all decided that we weren't gonna show eachother the colors until after though

"okay 3...2...1" Avani counted down and we all threw a hand in the middle

"Oh my god I love that shade of yellow" I gushed over Avani's color choice

"For real it's kinda hard" Nessa said

"okay wait stay right there I need an Insta pic" I said pulling my phone out and snapping a quick photo

"Are you guys thirsty we could go get a starbucks" Nessa suggested and that's what we ended up doing next because we are all addicted

We talked over coffee and had a few snacks over all it was really fun hanging out with them and actually having real conversation not just crazy boy madness. Don't get me wrong hanging out with everyone is so much fun but the boys can get really loud and sometimes it gets overwhelming. Just getting to relax is amazing

"Oh so you can't say that I said anything, but Jaden told Josh that he really wantd to take you for a nice dinner tomorrow night" Nessa said sipping on her drink

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