Six Word Story

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someone said to me "stop waiting because he's not coming." And i tried to do that thing, stop waiting. But "why is it still so hard?" 

Then I asked myself, how can i move on when i'm still in love with you, and "My 11:11 wish is always you." and the saddest is "I am not me without you."

How can i be so stupid, being paralyzed on your love, stuck on you for a long long time, and cry you a river every night, trying to act like im talking to you every night while i was just talking to the moon.

Now, I let myself to surrender. I cant do anything anymore, I just can wait, hope, and pray. Well, im not a type of weak girl. So I said to myself that "I am stronger than I know." "I showed him that I'm better." "with or without him, I'm better."

And the last, after that, I realized "I deserve much better than him." So I'm Moving On. And best advice that someone ever given to me  "Stop holding back, let it go."

So I told you once again, I let you go, and I let myself feel the happiness without you being the cause anymore And I learned how to not lose myself because of you.

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