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I get to class and sit, making no eye contact with anyone just so they won't feel obligated to talk to me. Not even ten minutes into class, I find out there is an assembly. I was once again forced to go somewhere I don't want to go. I walked to the auditorium and sat with my class when I saw the project screen with the words, "Sober Driving... Never drink and drive." I can't describe how fast the tears rushed to my eyes. Everyday I was reminded of the loss that I and many others would have to deal with for the rest of our lives.

The whole assembly was based on what happened to Ella and the person behind the wheel. Now, the driver, I try not to think about him, even to this day. At times it is so hard because I want to scream and throw everything in sight at him. Soon after my family and I found out Ella was gone, we found out that the driver went to high school with us. A senior who was coming from a weekend party did this to my best friend.

"Thank you all for entering the auditorium in a nice and respectable manner. Now I know all of you are aware that we have lost one of our own recently." The principal greets us. "Today, we're going to speak about that and also the other big issue which is drunk driving."

He went on about typical things you would hear in a high school setting. Then he proceeded to speak about the driver who was a star in our football team. At this point I've already heard a few people try to make excuses for him and reasons why he shouldn't go away. This is a big reason why I was so hesitant to come back. At that moment, the pain was still fresh, I didn't know how to control any of my emotions.

"Two people's lives were drastically changed by one decision. One decision that could have been avoided in so many ways. I know you all have been educated on issues like this, so I am highly disappointed by the decisions that were made that night." I tuned him out at this point. I don't know what flipped a switch in me but I had to speak up, I could not sit and listen to this anymore. I glanced at my councilor who happened to be standing in the corner at the same time I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"Can I say something?" I mouthed to her.

She had a confused look at first but that quickly changed to sympathy. She got the attention of the principal and went up to him to whisper in his ear. Seconds later, his eyes met mine and he gave me a nod to confirm that speaking in front of hundreds of my classmates is what I wanted to do. Next thing I knew, I was standing in front of so many people, but I didn't feel a nervous bone in my body. My adrenaline kicked in and with that being said I began to speak from my broken heart.

"Hi, I'm Grace. Many of you may not know me but today is going to change that. The girl we lost in the accident, was my best friend, Ella. When I heard about what happened, all I could think about was her and her family. Them waiting for so long to find out how their daughter was doing, and Ella, fighting for her life when she should have been with her family in the safety of their own home." I took long, deep breaths.

"Now, besides Ella, I think about the driver constantly. Jack Andrews. We all know him, many of you are friends with him and were at the party with him. Guys, please I know you love this guy and want what's best for him but open your eyes. Drinking and driving is a crime. It always has been and it always will be. Look at what happened!" My voice was shaky and I was practically begging at that point.

By The Grace of YouWhere stories live. Discover now