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Tweek laid on his bed at home. Plenty of discarded coffee cups and mugs sprawled out along his bedside table, he would take them downstairs. Eventually. Probably. Itll happen soon. Tweek sat up a little to sip from the newest one, he was due to go hang out with Craig in an hour, they were so ready to get their game on and beat the boss to Craig's new game he got for his birthday. They spent weeks getting up to this point and they had this day planned since wednesday, when they finally beat the post-final level. Tweek figured he ought to get ready to head over, buuuut he was comfortable... buuuuut...  craig was waiting. His craig? No. The entire "yaoi" thing happened, but it didnt actually make them gay. Craig was one to be affectionate in public, where their giddy onlookers were a constant pressure for them to keep their act up. Turned out, the town was depressed without them. It made tweek wonder sometimes, what the hell the town was before they were a thing. He laid and contemplated in his mind about the entire thing all over again for the hundredth time. Honestly, it was something he thought about frequently. He never got to even explore his sexuality before they were forced into the fake relationship. Of course, it ended up giving him a real, true friend for once. But, when he said he wasnt gay, it didnt mean he knew it for sure. Tweek was questioning it before, and he sure as hell was questioning it now. What would craig think? They acted so real in public, when they were in enough privacy they hung out like normal guy best friends would. There was nothing gay about that. But he couldnt help feeling proud and giddy when he was able to make Craig smile. Craig wasnt a big smiler, he wasnt even sure Craig's smile counted as a real smile. But it was something, and hell, it made his heart throb.  Just the small upturn of the corners of Craig's lips and he felt the sparks. All this thinking was getting tweek worked up. What the hell. He sat up and set his phone to the side, he nearly dropped it in a big twitch. It was time to go see "his" craig.
Tweek knocked on the tuckers' door. Confronting someone on their doorstep, no matter the person, always made him anxious. He felt weird standing in someone elses property, loitering on their porch waiting for someone, anyone to answer the door. "GAh" he twitched and fumbled the cold metal thermos in his hands. Finally, the door opened. Tweek craned his neck up to see Craig's dad. Tweek swallowed the large nervious lump in his throat. Today was saturday, and Craig's dad often got off early on Saturdays. The giant redhead often made tweek uncomfortable, even if he had ended up being pretty sweet and always awkward when it came to his gay son, and his 'boyfriend'. Tweek shifted his feet around anxiously, "g-GAH-good afternoon Mr. Tucker. Is cr-AHag!-craig home?" Tweek knew Craig was home but he asked anyway. His head snapped to the side in a violent twitch, and he hoped the involuntary crack that came from it went unnoticed. He met Mr. Tuckers eyes again, to realize it definetly hadnt.
"Hey there, uh, sport. Yeah hes home, why dont you come on in tweek." He paused, raising one eyebrow while his bright orange brows furrowed together. " Geez, uh, is your neck alright kid?" Tweek ducked inside past him after the door was pulled open for him "gh! Yeah-sorry it happens-GaUh! Alot" he rubbed the crook of his neck and gave  Craig's dad an apologetic look "no-nah its alright kiddo. Hey uh, your here for Craig of course, right? Hes upstairs. Tweek pulled at the baby hairs at the back of his own neck gently, as not to cause a big scene pulling the rest of the huge mane of hair on his head "gh! Alright, t-ghah!thank you sir" he quickly scurried upstairs without a backwards glance. Tweek was more than releived to come up to the blue door at the end of the hall with star-stickers and planets all over it. Knocking confidently at this door, he called through the open crack. "Craig, I'm gh! here" the door opened immediately, and before tweek could lock onto his face, craig was already turning back to the small TV placed against the wall. It was only set up in Craig's room recently, so the chuello boy hadnt gottenca TV stand yet. Craig sat down on the already assembled blanket fort, and tweek couldnt help smiling. He felt at ease here. Glancing around the room, anyone would be able to tell Craig had a thing for space. The room was painted a deep, pretty blue and plastic glow stars covered all 4 walls sparingly, but the ceiling had no square inch uncovered. He rememvered the day they went on their mission and hit every store in south park together, hand in hand, and bought every pack of glow-stars in every shop they could find them in. They saved up together for months, and it was very worth it. Both for the beauty of how the stars looked, and the broad cheeky smile Craig wore the entire time they were sticking the stars along Craig's room. Tweek had taken 2 packs home for his own room, craig had said he wanted him to match him, and tweek was glad to have something to look at when he couldnt sleep that reminded him of his comfort in craig. Tweek slipped his shoes off, and plopped down onto his knees to climb into the low hanging blanket for. He set his thermos aside once he was turned around the right way, laying on his belly aside Craig "hey" craig glanced over at him and the teeniest tilt of his lips told tweek he was glad to see him. Tweek gave craig his brightest smile in return "gh! Hey craig!" Craig handed tweek a controller "ready to beat some ass?" Craig asked, his nasally voice never left him through the years tweek knew him. Tweek hummed and nodded determinedly, taking the remote and holding it tightly. His thumb brushed over the buttons of the controller, getting a feel for everything, before craig dived into the game. They played for hours, so far, unsucessfull in beating the boss. Craig was clearly agitated, so tweek suggested they take a break and get a snack to cool off and reset. Craig had agreed and they now chilled out on Craig's bed with a bag of doritos tweek was scrolling through instagram, both him and Craig were leaned in looking through their feed when a message popped up at the top of the screen.
'Clyde: bro. Check this out, you wont regret it ;)'  tweek looked over the message, it was replaced by another with a link attached. "What the fuck?" Craig commented blandly. Tweek shrugged "I dont know. Clyde sends me all kinds of weird shit and yaoi. I'd say its probably best not to open it."
Another message popped up
'Clyde: tweeeeeeeeek'
He groaned and clicked the message. One thing he always found odd was thay Craig's friends never left him alone, especially clyde.
Both tweek and Craig watched tweek type a reply:

Tweek: I dont want to look at yaoi, clyde.

Clyde: it isnt yaoi, its somethin different this time!!! :D

Tweek: why

Clyde: Cuz Its about you guys, I figured with you two being such a lovie-dovie couple you enjoy the fanart I share :C

Tweek remembered clyde didnt know it was fake, and grunted. Craig apparently found this amusing "dude, clyde sends you yaoi?" Tweek felt his ear tips burning "sometimes. Usually he sends me fanart in general of us being all couply. Hes never sent a link before though. It kinda scares me to open." He joked lightly, though he didnt know what was really sent to him, so he was going to be cautious.

Tweek: okay well whatcthe hell is it?

Clyde: Its a story! You should read it and tell me what you think :)

Clyde: also, you mean what the* ?

Tweek grunted again, craig snickered nasally. "I'm glad someones finding this funny" craig didnt reply, but looked on waiting for tweek to answer clyde. Tweek sighed and started typing away again.

Tweek: whatever. I'm not reading your slutty story.

Clyde: tweeeeeeek it's nOt SLuTtY! Its FANFICTION! AND ITS ADORABLE! Pleeaaaaseee read it? I promise it's only fluff.

Tweek made a face. "What the fuck is fanfiction Craig shrugged, his guess seemed no better than tweeks.

Tweek: what's fluff

Clyde: :000 its sweet shit, you know, nothing bad. I think you'll like it, you should seriously read it. 

Tweek: there I read it

Clyde: no you didnt >:0 read it and i wont make you read another!! Just this one.

Tweek raised his eyebrow. This was.. a good deal.

Tweek: fine.

Clyde:WOO! tell me what you think when your done.

Tweek ran a hand through his hair and decided that was enough talking to clyde. "Well, Aincha gonna read it?" Craig leaned closer and scrolled up to the link "i mean, I dont really have to read it. I can just tell him I did.." both of them knew clyde was very pressing and would want to know every thought on the story. "You know hes probably just going to quiz you on it to check you read it" tweek grunted in response. "Yeah..." craig shrugged "were taking a break anyway. Why not" he clicked the link, and they were brought to some website called "Wattpad." Tweek skimmed over the screen in front of him. Clearly this was a book-site of sorts. The fover photo was a cute one of some fanart of them, and if tweek was being honest, It was one that he always had loved and warmed his heart. It was them closely pressed together in a tight hug. He wished their hugs felt that real, but when you know your entire relationship is fake, it's hard to let anything feel real. Tweek pressed the 'read' button and up popped a screen with many words "this is alot to read" he commented, scrolling down slightly "yeah" craig replied nasally. Stripe wailed from her cage, and it instantly set Craig into mother mode. He hopped up off the bed and scooped the rodent out of her cage. Tweek thought that was one of the cutest parts about him. Craig was such a softie. "Hey stripe" he cooed in his heavy nasal voice and sat back down next to tweek. Tweek also greeted her, stretching the Guineas nose and she tries to give his fingernail a nibble. Tweek didnt mind, but did refocus on his phone. "Ready?"
Tweek asked. "Yeah" they leaned back and silently read together.

More story maybe most likely probably going to exist soon. If it doesnt, sorry :') not that this will be read by many, if any, anyway XD happy quarantining.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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