|_|The winter soldier |_| origin

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|_| Origin  |_|
After this accident I truly still think she is still going to finish what she had started but,
Anyway, it had started
Three years ago ( I'm at least 30 years old now. ) Me and my family had just returned from a trip from
"New Jersey" for Christmas.
We were all very exhausted after
a long day of planing and driving, we where all planning to go straight to
bed right when we get home.

As my husband was driving and our (adopted) kids where chatting about boys at there school and how hot they where. ( like usual )

Then All of a sudden, we all herd this *CLINK* noise then flat out air , our kids screamed As the car when't out of control and slammed into a tree, my husbands legs twisted in pain I had blood gushing down my head, our two (adopted) daughters had blood gushing
down there ( now broken ) nose.

As everything was quite, we where in pain, then we hear this motorcycle, ( we get happy )
But as we see the person we all freeze from pure shock and terror, it was a woman in black and brown with a muzzle on her mouth and nose,

As she got off her motorcycle, she started to walk towards the trunk of our car, but all we heard was a loud *SLAME* as the culprit slammed the trunk shut and started to walk towards the Drivers side door.

The driver side door was crushed open as the woman grabbed my husbands neck with A-a Metal-Arm, I couldn't move at the time but all
I herd was


Then a loud *CRACK* as the culprit cracked my husbands neck,
Then with that done she walks over with my husbands neck still I her metal hand she puts him back in the "driver side Seat" and walks over towards the back seats all I could do was cry and cry, I couldn't move because I had also had my foot stuck and I had an affil headache and couldn't move my head from the amount of blood coming out.

( so as I said ) all I heard was my daughters pleading then a loud Shot of a gun, then all silence, everything lifeless no noise nothing
not even the where birds chirping.

Then relief as the culprit walked up to the camera and then points there loaded gun at the camera lens and shots the camera with a loud
* BANG * then the culprit Aka ALEX-DAWSON turns to look at my almost passed out form.

I will never forget What she had said that day, what she had said was:
I will not kill you, you are not my mission "Kate Anderson"

Then she walked towards the trunk of our car and grabbed something and after that she had gotten on her motorcycle
Then moments later she sped away with the thing she had needed Leaving my dead husband, my dead daughters, but most of all leaving a crying almost past out me, alone FOREVER!!
I am really lucky to be alive, but know i really wonder what
would of happened if i was on her assassination list that day?

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