Day 12:

24 1 0

Dear Seungmin Hyung,

                     Thanks for inviting me,hyung!I had Fun playing at the arcade!

You treat me some of my favorite Ice cream...

I should pay you back soon Hehe....

You took me to my favorite Place...The Han River..

The sun was setting down and it was beautiful...

I was shocked that you suddenly hugged me.....

You told me that you're thankful that you met me..That you didnt regret to be friend with me...

Are you confessing right now?I dont know..

This hug means  you're hugging me because  you were thankful because im became your friend..But i want more than a friend..

I didnt tell you  that i like you..

Well,You'll know if you read this though..

Maybe the time you read this im already gone..

I had a great time with you!


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