My Girl Part 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the first part. So, it actually exceeded the word limit that I wanted it to be, so I had to end it there only. I didn't want it to be too long. Anyways, here's the next and last part of this story. Did you guess the song? If yes, then yay, if no, then no problem. On with the story!

"Bloody hell!"

Draco noticed the boxes as soon as he apparated to their home. But unfortunately, or fortunately (he didn't know), he didn't notice a box of DVD which was just in front of his left leg, and tripped over it as he walked forwards.

He fell on the floor, face first and cursed loudly. 

"I know I deserve this, but still." He muttered as he rubbed his face, and sat up on the floor. He looled around and saw boxes filled up to the brim with some things. Upon closer look, he found out that they were pieces of decorations. 

Maybe we could watch some movies?

"She must have decorated this room." He muttered and stood up from the floor. He looked up at the staircase, and saw that their bedroom door was closed. 

For a second, his eyes flickered towards the kitchen, but he shook his head and made his way to the bedroom. 

He hadn't eaten anything since the breakfast, but now wasn't the time for that. He had to apologize to her first. He had stood her up, for their anniversary dinner, and he immediately had to say sorry to her. 

He found her sleeping on her side, her back towards him. Slowly, he walked towards the bed, and sat on its edge. 

"Hermione?" He whispered. When nothing happened, he tried again. But still, the result was the same. For a moment, he thought about waking her up, but that thought dismissed as soon as it came. 

"Seems like I would have to wait till the morning." He muttered, and went into the washroom. After changing into his pajama bottoms, he exited the washroom, and climed the bed. 

Hesitating for a moment, he eventually draped his arm across her waist, like he always did. But this time, instead of turning around and snuggling to him, she stayed away from him. 

He sighed, and kissed her shoulder before falling asleep as well. 

Little did he know, it wasn't as how he thought it was.


He woke up to an empty bed next morning. Checking the time, he realized he over slept and had hardly ten minutes before she left for her work. 

He quickly made his way down the stairs, and found her placing their breakfast on the table. If she saw him, she made no movement to acknowledge him. 

"Hermione?" He called her. 

"Breakfast is ready. Eat fast, you wouldn't want to be late for your work, do you?" She coldly said and sat down on the table. 

"I-I'll just be back." He said before running to their bedroom, and doing his morning washroom rituals in the washroom. He quickly came back down, and saw that she was washing her plate. 

"Hermione." He said and stood next to her. 

But she didn't say anything. 

"I know you're ignoring me, Hermione. And, believe me, I know that I deserve it. But, please just hear me out, okay? I-" He started but she cut him off.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Draco. You wanted to play Quidditch, so you did. It's really simple." She said, walking past him to grab her purse and wand. 

My Girl- DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now