Rules for Judges

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Here are the rules for the judges! I will be a judge for the poetry category just because it's my favourite genre to judge :) I'm not 100% sure how many judges will be needed at the moment so the forms for judges won't come out for a while just so I can gauge how many judges are needed for each category. 

#1 Don't accept any bribes from participants because I want this to be as fair as possible

#2 If I accept you, please try not to bail out! It is so frustrating and I would just rather you stayed on

#3 Please shout out this awards on your message board so we can spread the word :)

#4 Give me (@weedylily4) a permanent follow, because it is really hard running awards by myself!

#5 You are allowed to enter two books as well, but just not in the same categories you are judging. 

#6 Deadline for judging: TBC

And that's it! Read on for forms :)

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