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I step out of day dreaming after my sister exclaims.

"You gonna have to report him,or he will end up killing you. "

The words sound a little farfetched because Michael is my husband and we have been together for 15 years and married for 13. Why would I even get my very own husband arrested, I know he is going through a rough time.
Michael just got laid off work and that has been tough for our household, not only for him.

"Come on Eliana, he is my husband. I swore to be by his side in riches or the poorest at the aisle in the presence of God and our Family. I know he is having a great deal of disappointment because right now he is out of a job and depends on my Salary which is very much sufficient for 2 households. We'll make it through this situation."

I totally understand the worries my sister has, but there is no way we won't find a solution for this problem we have right now, we always have.

"Ok Jana, but if he lays another finger on you again I swear I will be the one calling the police. "

I only sigh out of relief because I know it would be a big disaster if my husband gets arrested because of my very own sister.


It has been months since I last saw my sister and parents, it is definitely not on my accord.  Michael has been in a foul mood for months now and I had hoped things would simmer down but no, the situation gets extremely worse with each day that passes. I go to work every morning and I know better to be home by 7 pm became that would only tick Michael off even worse than he already is.

The situation is much worse now because i always have to hide my bruises so that absolutely no one can see them. If anyone sees them, questions will start rising and I do not think I am in a position to answer them, in fact I can not fathom answering any of the questions because that will only reveal that I have been in an abusive marriage for months, something i am not entirely proud of.

The minute I step inside the house, I am met by an angry husband, I could tell by how his face is frowned and fuming red. I begin to wonder what I have done this time to tick him off like this but my thinking is interrupted by a hot slap to my face.

"Long story short, Jason Carson called me this afternoon telling me he heard I was out of a job. "

I only stare at him because my face is full of tears and I cannot bring myself to speak.

"So you go around to your ex's telling them to give me a job! " Michael begins shouting and folding his fists.

"You slept with him?"

I cannot believe what i am hearing. Just because I was only trying to help out my husband get a job, I get accused of cheating.

"What? Are you serious Michael? How could you accuse me of sleeping with Jason after all this years of marriage?"  Finally some words , but with tears streaming down my face.

"Now you have some balls to stand up for yourself. I see! "

I see him coming down at me, he grabs me and throws my body on the sofa and starts his every day routine-swinging his hands,fists at me. The beatings intensifies when he sees me not crying anymore. I have actually become numb to his punches.

"Bitch! Say something for yourself!" He shouts

"Okay, i will teach you a lesson today "

The dress I have on starts tearing off and I realize what he is about to do to me. I start feeling his penis go inside of me roughly and with so much anger. It is only now I start crying myself until I pass out only to wake up on the same spot with blood all over my body.

The first thing I think of is grabbing my phone and calling Eliana. I notice my handbag a few inches from me so I immediately grab it, grab my phone and dial the first number on speed dial.

"Eliana, can you come over. Do not tell Mom and Dad. "

"Jana are you alright, why are you crying? Did he beat you again?"

Just before I start explaining, my phone is snatched from my hands and I immediately know it's Michael. If he was angry before, now he just got more angrier.  He starts beating me up again ,this time I can feel the blows.

Michael start pulling his pants down again. I start pleading with him not to rape me again. Me begging seems to not have worked as he go inside of me again, this time he is more rough than before. I can feel blood when I touch my inner thighs.

Surprisingly, I see a knife on the couch so I grab it,stab him on his back just to get him off me and it works . He starts screaming "I'm going to kill you Bitch!".

I do not intend on staying in this house so I grab my car keys,head out and start driving.  After driving for a while, i arrive at my sister's house.

I knock ,knock and knock.  As soon as the door opens and I see my sister's husband Harrison I collapse at his feet. 

Although I can almost register what Is happening, I hear Harrison talking on the phone and my guess is that he is taking to Eliana who happens to be at my house right now. Meaning she stormed out after that phonecall.


3 Days later.

"Mrs Ferrante, my name is Detective John Lewis and I need to clarify a few things about what happened a few night ago."

I am more than willing to tell the detective every single thing that happened that night, well every night for the past 5 months.

The Detective asks me a rather disturbing question that has me and my sister shocked.

"Why did you want to kill your husband?


"As the Jury, we find the defendant guilty. " these words are like a club to my heart.

And the next words are literally the end of me

"Jana Blackstone-Ferrante, I sentence you to 17 years for second degree attempted murder of Mr. Michael Ferrante. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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