chapter 5

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The first night on the bus, Liam told us to get some rest because they were having a meet and greet the next day. Liam said that i can room with Eleanor since Louis was driving.

I started to prepare my sheets on the floor of the tiny room, when Eleanor stopped me. 

"You do know i have a double bed, you can stay in there with me. Louis will be driving most of the night anyway, and we can watch films and eat ice cream!" she squealed. I have never had a proper girly sleepover, as i would always sleep at Nialls and we would normally just eat and watch a film.

Eleanor popped a DVD in the slot without even telling me what it was. The credits started rolling and it was 'Bride Wars'

"Oh i love this film! i haven't seen it in ages!" I giggled, and Eleanors eyes were fixed on the screen.

After a few minutes of silence, watching the film, Eleanor suddenly broke it.

"So, how long have you fancied Niall?" She burted out. 

"W-What?" I aked, almost choking on the spoonfull of icecream in my mouth. 

"Oh please, Sophia, you can totally tell! He fancies you too, you can tell by the way he looks at you!" She looked at me like i was completely clueless, which, i probably was.

"Well i think it was when he left for X-factor.. He stopped texting and calling me, so i thought he forgot about me. Then when he came back to Mullingar for a week. I realised how much i really missed him. But, of course he doesn't like me! We have been bestfriends since forever, and even if he did like me, i wouldnt want to ruin our friendship.." I said, looking down at my tub of ice cream

"I see how it is.." She said, placing her arm around my shoulder. "I will see what i can do, babe." She looked down at me reassuringly. I slowly fell asleep halfway through the movie.

I was awoken by the sound of the bus pulling up. I woke up and found that i was alone in the room, I was still in my clothes from the night before, so i was a complete mess. I walked into the living area type place, although it was just a corridor with a somekind of sofa next to the window and a kitchen on the oppisite side. I sat down and dug into my pocket for my phone, and i had a text from Niall.

Nialler - Out side getting gas, text me if you wake up or need me, the rest are in the cafe across the street getting breakfast. xx

me - okidoke. Will come out now xx

I opened the shiny black doors and saw Niall filling up the bus with gas. I walked up to him and smiled at him.

"What we doing today?" I asked, looking up to the sky. It was a fairly nice day, no clouds in the sky but it was a little chilly. 

"We have a meet and greet at 12, you can stay in the bus or come out with us if you want." He said as he placed the pump back into the holder thingy.

"Nah, its alright, i want to meet all your 'directioners'!" I said as i smiled. 

"Okay then, its 11 now. Go get brekky and get changed. Will meet you back in the bus in ten, then we will get going." He smiled, as he walked into the shop to pay for the gas.

I walked into the bus to get changed then into the cafe to get my breakfast. Today was going to be good.

Roadtrip (One direction/Niall Horan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now