The Cough (A DanPlan Horror Oneshot)

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In the darkness...


Somebody coughed


"Who was it?" A voice called out as silence rang. "Who?!"

A dim white light sprang into being. The circle of white illuminated Daniel's face, the flashlight held in his hand. After a moment, the dark and mucky room, and all of the six people in it, was revealed. A world of dark blues and inky blacks strung into being, almost seeming distorted, due to the low energy of the light.

Shadows pulled in the corners, just beyond the reach of the boys and girl themselves. Stephen watched as Daniel glared at each of their friends in turn. None of them responded to his question. The light shifted and jerked as the wielder of the brightness inspected each suspect.

Ann was huddled in the back of the room, staring into the dark nothing in front of her. As she shook and shivered, she clutched onto the bag of flour that the gang had been lucky to find when ravishing for food. She must have been so cold to due how long and hard she held it to her chest.

Jay laid on the floor, his body tangled with JoCat's. The sociopath shook as he sobbed quietly. Stephen wasn't sure whether if they blonde was crying because of their situation or their hygiene. The room reaked of unwashed bodies and Jay's hair, along with everyone else's, was tangled and unwashed and absolutely covered in filth.

JoCat simply stared back at the leader of the gang, not even seeming bothered as the light hit his retinas. How could he possibly care when the virus had found it's way into the house? The one place that he thought was secure.

Everyone's eyes soon turned to Stephen and Hosuh.

The two were locked in an embrace. It was the only comfort they had in the room. One boy's voice spoke up with a slight discomfort in the tone.

"What does it matter...?" Stephen spoke up, leading Daniel to furrow his brow.

"Get serious, Stephen. It's better for five of us to get through this than none of us. Coughing is the only warning we get!" Danuel argued.

The tiny whisper coming from Hosuh was soon heard as the two calmed down.

"Um... It could just be dust or a cold... Please...?" Hosuh begged gently as Daniel shook his head.

"I really wish that we could risk it, Hosuh." The leader said, his voice softening slightly. "But we can't go back once it reaches the final stage. You saw what happened out there. Do you really want that in here?"

JoCat sighed and then spoke up, patting Hosuh on the shoulder.

"He's right, boy. It's not contagious until the end. We have a choice to make: one death or six." The black haired male sighed as Stephen growled.

"Ugh! Isn't there anything we can do? This can't be the only thing that can be done! Jay, can't you use your wise knowledge of the human body to try and fix this? To help us cure it? To slow it down???" Stephen pleaded as he brought his voice to a sad whisper.


The leader shook his head. "Even doctor's can't cure it. They can only contain the infected. Ever carrier must die. That's the only way we can be safe. You know this, Stephen, why are you stalling?"

No words came out of the boys mouth after that. Hosuh's voice, suddenly confident, filled the room with his confession.

"It was me. I coughed. It was me."

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