~*~T.N "Lilly" W-B ~*~ Marc the Dragon

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Marc is a dragon. In many stories of olden times, a Dragon is a legendary beast with the legends describing the dragons as large, lizard-like creatures that breathe fire and have a long, scaly tail. In this story, our dragon is all this and more. This dragon is very beautiful to look at and very gentle to the point that he is silly at times. All dragons are not alike, just like every human is different.

Chapter One

Marc is a dragon that lives in the country-side of Denmark that has a pet cat name Lark.

Marc the dragon is blue with a white stripe running down is back and a little bit of hair on the head.

Marc has a dark green car that he uses to drive to the ballpark where he always double-parks because he doesn't like to fly but whenever he's not at the ballpark.

Marc is at the park with his pet cat Lark, hanging out and enjoying the beautiful weather in the country-side of Denmark.

Marc the dragon lives in a Dinotopian society.

Marc has other pets like an aardvark that barks, shark name spark, a fat rat name Matt and a bat name sprat which behaves like a brat.

If Marc could afford it, he would get himself an arc to keep many more animals but since Marc is a clerk at the book store that was out of the question.

Marc is from the monarch family that rules the Dinotopian society but refuses his birthright while his birthmark makes it hard for him to hide, which is a heart shape pattern on his long snout.

Chapter Two

Marc had decided to embark on the career path of a book store clerk when he heard his first book as a baby dragon, that was read to him by his nanny and also because he loves to read books.

Marc had just read a book about dragons that said, "Dragons have been around since the dawn of mankind, and in some cultures, it was actually the dragons who created men." Marc had bookmarked this page to read more later because he found this to be very fascinating and since Marc has never regretted his career path because reading books was one of his passions, for, he had so many.

Marc works at the landmark book store called watermark, where, making hallmark cards are made in this store.

Pat is Marc's human friend when they get together, they always sit around Pat's flat to have a chat with tea and sweet crackers.

Marc sat on the large mat at Pat's flat while pat sits on the ground across from Marc.

Marc the dragon is always singing at the top of his lungs, "do you know the muffin man?" because that is the only song, he really knows then he would try to see how many marshmallows he could fit into his mouth to make his friend laugh after toasting them with his fire from his breath.

After his once a week meeting with Pat at his flat, Marc goes to the water park to splash but instead he fell, splat, into the water because he was swatting away a flying bug.

Chapter Three

Marc's favorite food to cook is chili. He wanted to visit Philly when it was chilly but his girlfriend Lilly doesn't really want to, saying that not all humans will be open to meeting a dragon so maybe she was right and he put off the trip for a later time when he would go on his own since he has the ability to cloak himself and she didn't.

His remark was okay and she left it at that so they didn't have a fight.

Marc the dragon would always cook or bake something that seems really complicated for Lilly after any almost fight whether it was a short one or not.

Marc the dragon had other friends besides Pat. Marc the dragon had a silly friend name Billy and the other is Willy, they are twins.

Marc the dragon goes to visit them also, once a week like he does Pat at his flat.

Silly Billy and Willy live in a house, not a flat which is an apartment. Silly Billy cooked Marc's favorite meal, chili served with a double stuffed cookie on the side, topped with sour cream and sharp white cheddar cheese.

Other people were at the twins' house too, it was a party because it was their birthday which Marc the dragon had forgotten so he made a mad dash to the posh store that they like and got them each a present.

Chapter four

Marc the dragon love dancing and since he took Lilly with him, he really danced up a storm and drank his chocolate milk because he didn't like plain sweet tea which was what was being served but he did like a watermelon tea, that was nice and chilled.

They blew up a lot of balloons and then it was a food fight so much fun and very delicious.

The next day Marc the dragon felt his heart beat extra so he went to the doctor for a check-up to make sure he was okay and it was not in his head because he had partied too much last night.

The doctor told Marc the dragon that he was okay, just need to get more rest so he can stay at his best and not to fret.

Marc the dragon was stressing because he had to pay a visit to his Mom and Dad and that was a mess going back to court and hearing that he was to be home taking his rightful place and not working like he was poor.

Working for Marc the dragon was fun and not a duty like taking his rightful place would be.

But Marc the dragon loves seeing his old nanny, teachers, and cooks, whom he had spent most of his days with.

Chapter five

Marc the dragon was a fire breathing dragon, unlike his parents who were both ice breathers because every dragon was unique. After his visit, since it was still early in the day, he went camping with Willy because silly Billy was afraid of bugs and hated any type of outdoor activities.

Silly Billy was a theatrical mime that works at the time theatre and Willy was the stage manager and silly Billy use a lot of slime in his act so children would always enjoy his shows.

Marc the dragon love to write rhymes and sell them for a dime.

Marc the dragon love to climb rocks and drinks with a lot of limes.

Today Marc the dragon is going to be cooking with thyme for the first time but when he got home, he found that there was a crime committed at his house so he called the t-rex cops and they came and told him that most crimes happened during prime time so it was a good thing he wasn't home or he could have been hurt.

Chapter six

Marc the dragon file an insurance claim and clean-up his house and took care of his pets then went to bed.

The next day, Marc the dragon had dinner for breakfast and dessert before he ate his dinner that he was having for breakfast as usual by playing with his food, arranging it into a picture before he ate.

Marc the dragon would dress up in costume to go to the grocery store or anywhere else he could in his costume.

Marc the dragon loved to paint his face in multi-colors.

Marc the dragon always chooses a theme for the day, like triangles or a circle before going out for the day, and then he would only buy things in triangular or circular packaging then only eat things that are orange, white, or green foods.

Marc can be a silly dragon, just as silly as silly Billy.

Marc the dragon loved to eat ice-cream before his dinner then more dessert after.

Marc the dragon would temporarily color his hair on his head pink just to get a laugh out of his friends.

Marc the dragon was more like a thirteen-year-old than an adult dragon but who says you can't be silly when you feel like it? 

~*~T.N "Lilly" W-B ~*~ Marc the DragonWhere stories live. Discover now