2. Getting to know us better

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Holaaa, bueno este capitulo esta en inglés... es el primero que escribí y no se por qué lo pensaba en inglés. Si sabes inglés, mejor leelo, no es un ingles tan avanzado. Si no, al final les dejo un resumen en español. Si esta historia empieza a tener exito (cosa que no creo) voy a subir este capítulo en español. Ojala lo disfruten💗

There were the 3 of us. Me, Bailey and Cline. In the apartment infront of ours were living Rudy Pankow, Chase Stokes, Drew Starkey, Johnathan Daviss and Austin North.
That day, Bailey and Cline invited Rudy to hang out at night. I didn't know about it.
-Hey, wassaup- Rudy entered
-Hey rud, How you doing?- Bailey asked him
-I'm good, i've just read the script for the next episode we have to film
-Cool, I haven't read it yet- said Cline
-And how is it?- Asked Bailey to Rudy
Meanwhile they were chatting, I was taking a shower. When I finished, I put on my clothes and I went to the kitchen to ask Bailey for the brush to comb my hair. I didn't know Rudy was there. When I saw him, it took for surprise. I didn't know he was coming.
-Hey Bailey, were is the bru... Oh hi! Rudy right?- I said to him
-Yeah, and you are t/n.. Right?- Rudy asked me. He obviously was sure of my name as I was about his.
-Guess you already had the audition together, ain't you?- Cline asked us with a smile
-Yeah, we had the chemistry test- Rudy said- I think we nailed it.. Don't we?
-Yes for sure!- I said with a smile
-Hope you get the role- Rudy said with a smile
-I hope so too- I nodded
Bailey, who disappeared while me and rudy were talking, reappeared with the brush.
-Here you got- Said Bailey to me giving me the brush
-Thanks, and what are we going to eat?- I asked hungry
-Uhmm what about pizza?- Suggested Cline
-Sounds great for me- said Rudy. At that point was when I realized he was staying tonight for dinner.
-And for me- I said
-Okey, so pizza will be. A simple Mozzarella?- asked Bailey with her phone in her hands
We all agreed. Bailey made the order adding a big coke and doritos.
-The pizza will arrive in 30 minutes. We should play a game meanwhile, don't we?- said Bailey
-Yeah sure, what should we play?- said Cline- we don't have any games here
-Let's play BattleFront in the PS4- suggested Rudy. OMG he likes BattleFront! I really like that game.
-Yess I really like that game!- I said. Cline and Bailey stared at us wondering what the hell is that game... hahahha
-I don't know what that is, we don't have a PS4 tho- Cline said. Bailey nodded.
-Sooooo, any other suggestions?- asked Bailey
-Uhmm we can play this game called "tutti-frutti"- I suggested. All of the three of them looked at my wondering what the hell was that game.
I explained them, that in most of the countries of Latin America we play this game that consists in write down categories and choose a letter and then we have to write down a word in each category that starts with the letter we chose.
-Sounds cool to me- Rudy said and the other two agreed- how do we choose the letter?
- Well, someone has to spell the abc in their head and when someone says "stop" we use the letter that it landed on- I explained
-So you mean like, I spell the abc in my head and you stop me. "Zero......- Rudy was trying to understand
-Stop!- I shouted and Rudy said it landed on the letter P
-Okey, so now we write the categories and start writing words, right?- asked Cline. I nodded
- And when someone finishes writing down all the words, it has to say "basta para mi basta para todos"- they all looked confused and tried to say what I had just say.
- Basta parra mie bassta parra todoss- Rudy tried to say it in a "Spanish accent". It was SO cute.
- Hahahha Rudy that's itialian, not spanish! You made an italian accent- Bailey laughed so we all did.
They were trying to spell it well, and I tried to explain them how to spell it but they couldn't understand. We all laughed.
Bailey suggested to add the categories: movies/tv shows, famous people, food, places and objects. We all agreed, wrote down the categories on a sheet of paper and when I said GO we started writing.
- Damn, I don't know any famous people that starts with P- Rudy complained- Nevermind- said Rudy when he remembered one
- "Basta para mi basta para todos!" Screamed Cline nervously
- F*ck! I only got 2- complained Bailey
- Now we read what we put out loud- I said- and we get 5 points for a word that other also put and 10 if anyone put it.
We all read the words we put. Rudy and I had some the same... we both wrote Harry Potter in movies and Patagonia in places.
- omg, so you like Harry Potter? Or it just occurred to you at the moment?- I asked Rudy
- Damn I LOVE Harry Potter! Im a huge fan. And you?- Rudy respond
-Me too! And in what house are you in?- I asked excited. I LOVE Harry Potter and I couldn't believe he liked it too.
- Well, I am a proud Ravenclaw, and you?- OMG WE WERE IN THE SAME HOUSE
We kept playing a few more rounds of the game until the pizza arrived. We ate it and then Rudy and me spend the whole night talking about Harry Potter, and fooling around. I'm LOVING this guy. Bailey and Cline didn't see ANY of the Harry Potter movies so we told them they HAVE to watch them but they didn't seem much interested. The moment that Rudy had to go back home had come. WHYYYYY
-Well, it was a great night girlss- he said- t/n it was so cool getting to know you better. I REALLY hope you get the role so we can see us everyday
- Yeah I hope so too- I said- we should hang out again and make a Harry Potter marathon! And make this two watch them
- YES. I would love to. And you also should come to my apartment sometime and so we can play BattleFront. Im in the apartment in-front, so whenever you want, you can come
- Yeah sure
He said goodbye to Bailey and Cline and then he left. This guy is so cool... I really hope I can get the role so I can see him everyday.
At the very first second he crossed the door, Bailey and Cline stared at me with a strange look.
-What?- I asked
- He is TOTALLY into you- Bailey said
- Yeah, FOR SURE- Cline added
- What? No he was just being friendly- I said indignant
They looked at me strangely, again.
- We will just say that we are NOT going to be there in the Harry Potter marathon- Cline said
- Whatever- I said and then we all laughed
We all got to our beds and fell asleep.

Resumen en español:
Cline, Bailey y yo estabamos en el departamento. Mientras yo me bañaba, Rudy entra al departamento. Las chicas lo habían invitado a comer, pero yo no sabía. Cuando salí de la ducha me lo encuentro a él. Nos saludamos, despues pedimos pizza para comer. Mientras esperabamos la pizza, jugamos al "tutti-frutti". Es un juego latino (enrealidad no estoy segura si lo es, pero CREO que en USA no lo juegan) y ellos no sabian como jugarlo asi que les expliqué. Rudy y yo coincidimos en dos respuestas: Harry Potter y Patagonia (yo elegí harry potter porque me gusta mucho y ademas se que a Rudy también, en uno de sus posts dijo que era de Ravenclaw. Yo tamb soy de ravenclaw🙂. Pero bueno, ustedes lo pueden adaptar a su peli favorita...). Pasamos toda la noche hablando de Harry Potter, y haciendo boberias. Me estaba cayendo muy bien. Cuando se va, las chicas sugieren que le gusto un poco... pero no les hago caso.

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