The Creature

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Jills PoV
I woke up and quickly took a look at the clock at my bedside table. "What? It's eight-thirty in the morning?" I thought to myself. I turned over to the window in my apartment. Rain pouring in, static on the television, and everything looked so dark and gloomy. I closed the window, locking it with a click. The sink in my bathroom was running loudly, lighting shocked the outside, causing a flash of light to illuminate my shadow. I rounded the corner into my small kitchen, and into the bathroom door. I had makeup I often never usually wore on the right, along with a handgun.

I turned off the water, and two drops of blood dripped into the sink with a splash. I instantly shot my head up to see my bleeding nose and my face started to decay. I gasped, falling back into the door, emphasizing a loud thud. I fell to the ground, I crawled over to the sink, using it to pull myself up. My face looked dead, it was cut up, bleeding heavily, my eye began to turn white while blinding. I grabbed the handgun and looked in my reflection. I pressed the gun to my right temple and closed my eyes tight.


I shot up with a gasp of air. "These nightmares get worse every night," I complained to myself. I walked over to the light on the wall, flicking it on. I saw what was on the television, the T-virus, it was spreading quickly, maybe a little too quickly. I checked the time on the alarm clock. It was eight-thirty-five at night. "Too many pills," I let out a small sigh.

My desk was full of paperwork from the Umbrella investigations, they have slowed due to the suspension. "Three more days, and I can kiss this town good-bye." I previewed my reports on the investigation, read my note that I never sealed, and read the note from Brad Vickers.

The sink was running again, just like it was in that nightmare. I walked in, the light was off, and it was only lit from the lamp in the bedroom. I turned it on, and the pistol was no longer there. I took a close look at my face and shook my head. "You're fine, Jill, it was a nightmare." I turned off the sink and walked out.

The phone started to ring, over and over. I sighed, "I'm coming!" I shouted. "Who calls at almost nine anyway?" I thought. "Hello?" I said calmly. "Jill! Are you okay?!" the voice of a man rang through my ears. "Brad, is that you? What's going on?" I asked. "I don't have time to explain, you have to get out of there. Now!" he was frantic, so I knew it was urgent. "Alright, let me grab my-" I was quickly interrupted by a massive creature busting through my wall.

"What the fuck?" I whispered under my breath. I grabbed my handgun and gave a big attempt to kill the damn thing, I was wasting bullets and time. He grabbed me and threw me against my concrete wall. I stood up and ran, mass amounts of pain stinging through my small body. I ran through a door and proceeded to push a bookcase in front, thinking it would slow him down. I ran and ran until I was able to escape onto the stairs outside of a window, in another resident's apartment. I ran out of there quick, but was met by the creature destroying the ceiling, just to get to me. "Why is this fucker after me..?" I sighed before digging underneath a piece of ceiling that fell. He rapped his strange arm around my ankle, trying to pull me on, but I was not going to let that happen.

A shard of concrete was lying on the ground, just out of my reach. I pulled forward, clawing my way closer and closer. I grabbed it with my right hand and sliced. The creature growled, releasing me from his grasp.

*Time skip cause I'm too lazy to finish reciting what the hell happened *

I hissed in pain from that whole scenario, while sliding back into a brick wall. I used the wall to assist me in standing. I held one hand on the wall, and the other on my ribcage, which was definitely fucked.

I started to walk. "What the fuck happened?" Explosions, fire, buildings destroyed, the city I once enjoyed for the donuts, was now a living hell. "Jill?!" I heard a familiar voice yell. "Brad?" my expression was decently calm compared to his. "What was that thing?" I said, starting to actually worry. "Hell if I'd know, but what I do know is that it's got a hard-on for the only two S.T.A.R.S left in the city-you and me." he joked. "Wow, only two S.T.A.R.S, thought it was me and Rebecca." I sarcastically remarked in my head. "Let's get out of here, Jill," Brad said. We walked to where the Cinema was located, and a huge monster-shaped case was open. "Should've known this was Umbrella's fault." I scoffed. "Jill, let's go, we don't have time to look around." I rolled my eyes at him. "Jackass," I mumbled. "How can these many people be infected?" I looked around at the fences, many people were zombie-like creatures. "I dunno, but that's another reason we should get the hell out of here!" he started staring into the fence containing the zombies. They ganged up, beginning to push out the fence. "Brad! Look out!" I shouted. He ran from the fence to a door, and I slowly followed.

We slammed the door shut after he threw a sign at the undead beings. "The door behind you!" he shouted. I ran to it, just to hear him scream. "Brad!" I ran to him, grabbing a knife from the ground, shoving it into the zombies head. "Don't think about it! We're going to make a run for it!" I tried to convince him. "Jill, we know how this ends!" he hissed at me. "No, I don't!" I replied quickly while holding the door with a struggle. "Are we still a team?" he asked. "Always!" he gave me a look. "Then do me a favor, and save your ass," he said shoving me out of the way. I didn't look back, he was a coward, but he was my partner. I ran out of the building from the other door. "Sorry, Brad."

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