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It had been a week sincr Bills birthday party and stan asked him out when Stan and bill were at school everyone just stared at them so bill became homescooled and didnt talk to anyone other than Stan and Mike(wheeler) cause mike was his cousin and stan was his boyfriend Troy had broke up with bev and she moved away to Idaho falls and as for the others bill didnt bother to care or know because of this

It was bills birthday and bill and stan walked out of the livingroom hand in hand and richie pulled bill aside into bills livingroom and kissed him bill kissed back on instinct and then pulled away and when Bill pulled away he started to realize he liked Richie as well Richie asked him out and he said how about fwb for right now and richie said you bet

End of flashback

Bill heatd the phine ringign he answered it and said Denbrough residence Bill speaking after that Richie said hey uh bill its Richie I was wondering  do you wanna hang out today. ..

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