The Ghost: An AU One-Shot

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A/N: Well, yeah, this happened. My brain latched onto another errant bit of thought and turned it into another 'What If' scenario. This is just going to be a one-shot, though. Perhaps someday, I might decide to keep playing and see where this one little change takes us, but for now, this is as far as this idea is going.

Warnings: If you haven't at the very least read up to Chapter 20 of The Ghost, this O/S will likely make very little sense. Additionally, some parts will seem very familiar as sections are lifted directly from Ch. 20. 

Also, you know, spoilers abound. You have been warned. 

And if you haven't read The Ghost, well, I highly recommend it. ;)

Same disclaimers as always apply: I only own my Original Characters and Scenarios. If it's recognizable beyond that, it's probably not mine. 


Somewhere over the Atlantic

Spring 2015

"You know, I've heard of teen moms going on to become CEOs or star in bad TV shows; never heard of one going all Assassin's Creed, before."

Natasha made an annoyed sound deep in her throat as Nadine glared at Stark. Really, the man was incorrigible, and it was wearing on Nadine's patience. "That's enough, Tony. I think you've made your point," the redhead said wryly, though there was no missing the pointed warning in her voice.

Her sister's too, evidently.

Stark looked to his teammate, his eyes wide and incredulous. But there was a subtle, hard wariness just below the surface that hinted at why it was very unwise to dismiss Tony Stark as merely irreverent and immature.

"What?! You of all people don't want to know more? You, the super spy? The one she was hired to kill not all that long ago?" Natasha casually resumed her seat next to Nadine, leaning back with a careless shrug as she glanced innocently up at Stark.

"Blackmailed, not hired, Tony. That's an important distinction, thank you. And I know everything I need to know about her already," she said dismissively, nearly causing Nadine to smirk at the baffled look that was startled onto Stark's face. "I probably know more about her than any of you ever will. Not that I'm likely to tell you, no matter how nicely you ask." She looked pointedly at Stark, a sweet smile on her face.

"How?" Banner asked, genuinely curious even as Tony gasped dramatically, before bursting out with a sarcastic—and even mildly petulant— "she's not sharing! No fair!" For the most part everyone ignored him, though Banner did roll his eyes at the billionaire's childish antics. Natasha just smiled slyly, though her eyes didn't hold the usual playful twinkle baiting Tony usually inspired. Hawkeye, seeing the grin, only groaned, looking like the obvious had been right in front of him without realizing it until it reached up and slapped him in the face.

"She was part of the KGB program that trained you, wasn't she: The Black Widow Program." Her smile dimming minutely, Natasha nodded once in confirmation. Nadine merely let her head fall back against the headrest behind her, letting her eyes slide up to stare at the ceiling as Natasha elaborated at her team's—not counting Stark—unspoken urging to elaborate.

"If she hadn't run and disappeared from the program, it's fair to say she might have earned the Black Widow designation instead of me." Nadine chuckled bitterly at the assertion, dropping her eyes to glance at her little sister.

"Not likely," she contradicted lightly, "I never would have made it to Graduation if not for the success of the Treatments; I was a little too strong-willed for their tastes." Natasha raised an amused eyebrow.

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