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minho passed out.

when he came to, the boy was floating above the ground a few feet away. he grinned at minho, displaying cheeks that puffed up like a squirrel's. "finally decided to wake up, huh? i thought i might've scared you to death back there."

his voice only confirmed minho's thoughts: he was no longer alone. was that a bad thing?

minho glanced around, expecting his demons to devour him. nothing popped out; nothing jumped at him; nothing made him feel tiny by just standing over him. the room was empty except for the two boys now facing each other.

"who the fuck are you?" minho asked. he didn't mean to come off as condescending; it had just happened. there was no taking it back.

the glowing boy only smiled wider, gliding over to minho with a grace as the latter had never seen before.

"i was han jisung. technically, i'm dead."

SEE THE LIGHT :: minsung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now