The Crime Chaser of Galactic Expansion

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The faces of the people around me suggest I'm not welcome here, but I could hardly blame them. The roar of the protruding Galactic Task Terminal is a siren's call to the worst scum in the cosmos, Chasers. The biggest lie I've told myself is I love this life, living through a collection of screens. I've finished more chases than I can count, but this will be the first robot-related crime I've heard of. The whirring of decades-old machinery drones on as my Task is documented, as routine as breakfast. I would love to meet the designer of these terminals, I wonder if the loud, rusted blue towers were the artists' vision come to life. The rain pounding overhead adds to the dark urban symphony, with the puddles reflecting brightly lit buildings underneath my feet. I can't help but notice the reflection of two figures growing nearer on the Terminal screen as I clench my fist.

"You, Chaser. You not welcome." says the figure on my left, their voice is harsh like marbles and their breath is beyond rancid. I hate this planet.

"I'll be on my way soon." I say in response, keeping my eyes on the screen. Judging by the warm reception and warmer breath, I'm in the presence of a Varkid. Natives of this planet who want nothing more than to stir conflict with humans. Alien Anatomy is no strong suit, but their height doesn't require much thought to comprehend. The reflection suggests these Varkids are healthy, the last thing I want is to fight two 8-foot tall beasts known to turn men to soup with a single blow.

"You on way now." comes from my right, they're closer than comfort allows; one stretch of my arm and we might as well be married. The Terminal finally shuts up as the demanding screen flashes my name, "Zaryn - CHASER472"

"Zaryn the Dashing definitely not welcome." Shooting pain overtakes my left shoulder as the Varkid turns me around. My head gives off a familiar tingle as my ear twitches,

"Are you okay Zaryn? Your shoulder is showing mild distress--" Louis' French accent in my head is ill-timed as always,

"Fanfuckingtastic." I reply, facing the two Varkids in front of me. The rain does their violent appearance no favors, as their violet skin shimmers through the water. Their muscles are characteristically well-defined and encompassed by the ragged green cloth robe they consider clothing. Their faces resemble bearded dragons, only with an unsettling red glow. Generally, Varkid bioluminescence suggests danger.

"Do all Varkids have the same workout routine? Shared fashion sense? Or did you two think matching robes were intimidating?"

"Did you say Varkids?" says Louis in my ear, one sensation I'm still not used to. "Are you fighting two Varkids?"

The fist shooting towards my right eye interrupts my response as I step in, allowing myself to glide on the slick floor and pull on the arm to propel myself to the side. The Varkid lunges as their fist goes through the flashing screen. Electricity pops as the ensnared Varkid screams in pain before falling limp.

"I TEAR FLESH FROM BONES" screams the second Varkid as they dash towards me. Their claws protrude out their fingers, reflecting the neon green night's sky, cutting through the rain towards my face. I crouch under the attack and sweep my leg around quickly, only to be met with the Varkid's unyielding leg.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but your right leg was nearly fractured." says Louis.

"I think I'm trying to fight this fucking Varkid" I say, screaming in response to my stinging leg. They reach down for me as I roll on my side, pushing myself off the harsh floor to my feet. I let instincts take hold as I jump on their back, wrapping my arms onto their neck. At last, something I'm familiar with.

"Exit me." shouts the Varkid, thrashing violently. I tighten my grip around their neck as the harsh breathing becomes softer.

"Exit me!" says the Varkid, dropping to their knees. I tighten further, showing no mercy to the beast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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