Markus x Simon [Quarintine] (bulletpoints)

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Alright so I got a few Simarkus requests, and someone said they wanted some bulletpoint stuff (I forgot what they were called, if you know the name please please please please comment it lmao)

So uh yeah, this isn't really a oneshot I guess, but it was a cute idea. Also since quarantine I thought I'd do what the two of them would be up to if they were together during COVID-19.


•the two of them would cuddle on the couch and watch movies at night.

•FaceTiming the boys everyday and texting in their free time (they do be having a lot of free time).

•Simon would bake until he runs out of ingredients. Everything from brownies to cupcakes

•the movies were all feel-good movies and ones with happy endings/romcoms (the princess bride and junk).

•board games. Lots of board games.

•either sleeping on the couch or in bed, mostly on the couch doe.

•lot of nice little kisses.

•the two of them plan to try a lot of new things together, but never do. They are too busy watching the Princess bride. They be suckers for happy endings.

•Simon wears Markus's clothes because why not.

•FaceTiming Carl because they love Carl and Carl is their lord and savior.

•Markus is Simon's dummy Thicc boy.

•Simon is Markus's babey boy.

•Markus slurps therium at 3am alone in the kitchen in the dark.

•every Saturday Simon, Markus, Josh and North all play Minecraft. They are trying to beat the Ender Dragon and Wither. Josh's gamer tag is "yaboijoshy" North's is "South" Markus is "Markymarkandthefunkybunch" and Simon's is "blondbitch"

Lmao guys y'all need to request shit. Also maybe adding ideas so you're boi can try making something they hope you'll like. You can also request in pm if you want and just tell me if you don't want me to @ you. I also might update this later, if I come up with more quarantine activities. Again I need ideas (hate begging lmao) just lemme suck the creative ideas right out of you. Also make sure to come chat with me in the comments, I'll try and reply to all of you.

Peace y'all.

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