day one

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I slowly woke up with a massive headache and freezing cold. I slowly get up trying not to let to much blood rush to my head to fast. When I finally get up a look around, I don't see my room walls that have posters of my favorite bands, and/or musical artists. Instead I'm surrounded by trees leaves and branches.

I didn't want to move too much just in case I broke something, I slowly move my neck down to look at the lower half of my body. I had scrapes and bruises all along my legs and arms. Now knowing that at least my neck wasn't broken I slowly sat up, my back isn't broken. Now I'm going to try and stand up, okay left leg, right...     Ouch! I much have either a broken leg or tristed my ankle.

I should be able to walk around just fine, as I slowly shifted my body weight on my left leg so I don't damage my other leg worse than it was. As I walk- more like limp to the nearest group of trees, I hear rumbling in the bushes it sent chills down my spine. Then a giant gush of wind blew right in front of me. Which caused me to cuddle myself to try and keep me warm.

As I sit huddled up in a ball to keep me warm, I feel a presence I slowly lift my neck and look behind me. I see no one nothing nada, hmm weird. After spending a half-hour hiding but like in plain sight. I decided to find a way out I wanted to go home to my family, by the looks of these woods I wasn't close to my home town. 

If I could find a community with a police station, I could contact my family and go back home. Then I'll forget all about this, as I start my limbing journey I realize if I don't find something warm to cover-up with I'll suffer from hypothermia and most likely won't survive it.

I sigh knowing it's gonna be a long journey, how am I supposed to find more clothes or a blanket in the middle of nowhere. I limp for a while until I find some fabric, it's wool. What's wool doing in the middle of the woods? What the h- I was cut off but yet another rumbling coming from the unknown. I shiver at the thought of someone or something watching me.

I decided to rest the remainder of the night since there was no reason to try and find an exit, this late at night. So I made a little spot for me to unwind for a few hours. As I fall asleep I felt something surround me and it wasn't the sleep I desperately needed.

Okay that it the first chapter of alone by stay safe. This is different from. What usually write so it might be rough at first. Hdhdhdbdbdjdhdhdbdbdnndnf sorry


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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