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•Chloes Pov•

The second I walked into Franklin Regional High School, I knew something was off. Too many kids, too many crushes, too much stress. I was warned by my friends in upper grades here that this was not going to be a great first year, and boy, were they right.
So in this story I'm gonna start off by telling you about the people. Not all, just some. To start off, there's me. I'm Chloe Lukasiak. Freshman, 14, anxious and shy. Then there's my best friends. Nia Frazier, quiet but extremely kind, Kalani Hilliker, the most extroverted and talkative person I know, and Paige Hyland, loud and an amazing actress and singer. So that's us. We kind of stick to ourselves, not really bothering to talk to anyone else.
Then there's the popular group.
First, there's Nick Dobbs. Almost half the freshman are in love with him, and he isn't very talkative. He's kinda cute, but he's never talked to me. Then there's his friends. Brandon Pent, extremely attractive and sweet. He's only talked to me a couple of times, but he just seems amazing. Did I mention I liked him?
And there's Zack Torres, funny, slightly innapropriate, and nice. We talk everyday.
And that leads me to the popular girls. Maddie Ziegler, queen b and almost all the freshman boys like her. She is pretty, but I just didn't get why everyone is in love with her. Then her clique, Kendall Vertes, Mackenzie Ziegler, and Brooke Hyland. Kendall always scores with the boys, she's pretty and nice, but she wears so much mascara it's scary. Mackenzie is sweet, and that's all I can really say about her.
Brooke is nice and we have a lot in common, but I don't really know her.
That's all the people I want to tell you about for now.
This is when the story really starts.

//A.N. hi guys!! i'm starting a new chloe story yay!! it's going to be continuous because it's based off of my school and what happens. btw i changed the names. i hope you like it have a good friday!!//

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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