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     It was at nine o’clock. I didn’t have enough time. But still, I just needed a little bit more. I don’t want anything else, just a little bit more time. I don’t want to leave them like this and go. There should be a way. And there is. But… It’s hard. It’s hard to know that now or later you have to leave. You have to leave everything behind and make a new start, a new beginning. They say that everything happens for a reason. They say that after every challenge that you pass, you’ll take your medal. But the medal isn’t important, everyone can win. The important thing is how you do it, how you make it till the end because not everything is about winning. Some people are ready to lose everything just to pass and not that they fail, but they even lose what they had. So yeah, we should always be careful with the decisions that we make, because they can be the reasons why everything changes. For bad or for good.

“Lisa, I put everything inside, did you check if you forgot anything?”- I heard my mom's voice from outside.
-“Yeah, I don’t think that I forgot anything.”  I said while I was putting on my jacket. My mom came and I could see in her eyes that she didn’t get any sleep in these last nights. How could she? With everything that’s going on, she can’t spare any time to rest or sleep.
“Okay, we don’t have enough of time so we should be a little fast, come.”- She said as we were running downstairs.

  Once we were on our road I couldn’t say anything. After all, there wasn’t anything left to talk about. After thirty minutes we arrived at our destination. I went outside of the car and looked at one of the buildings that I hated the most in my life, the hospital. If you ask me why I hate it you shouldn’t be surprised by my answer, you’ll find out about it later. We went inside and directly went to our floor. The one that I spent most of my vacation. The doctor told us to meet him when we go so we decided to see him first.

-“Hello Mrs. and Miss Jones, how are you?”- I think that he already knows the answer but still. “We are fine, thank you. You told us to come and talk with you. Is everything okay? Did you find anyone?” My mom asked him.
-“Why don’t we first sit down and then talk?” he said. After we sat he looked at me and I hated it when they give me pity, I hate it when he and everyone in here look at me like they are waiting for the time that I’ll break, but I won’t, I will not break, I will not sit and cry, I will not ask God why he did this to me, what should I do because I can’t solve anything if I sit and cry myself to sleep. Once my dad told me that to cry is a good thing but still, I shouldn’t sit down and wait for something to happen. I have to be strong for my mom, my dad, my sisters, and my brother. I have to be strong for myself, I have to work, fight, and pray.

- “We do have some news for you, but you should be ready for what I’m going to say to you.”- I could hear my heart beating faster than it should. “Mr. Jones’s heart is… is working but not like a heart should. He is better than before but we can’t promise you anything. Everything can happen so it’s better if we keep him in our hospital and leave us to look after him. We decided that it would be better if we put him in Intensive Care and look after him better.”
My mom didn’t say anything in the beginning but then she said:
“I knew that this was going to happen but I wasn’t waiting for it to happen this fast. Still, there’s nothing that I can say or do so if that’s the best thing to do than okay.”
I am really lucky that I have such a brave woman as my mom. After that, we talked a little bit about the changes that are going to happen, and then we went to visit my dad who has been staying in this hospital for two months now and nothing didn’t change. But we still hope that one day he will open his eyes and greet us with his famous smile that everyone loves.

- “Hello, dad. Today is the last day that I’m going to see you for the time being. I don’t want to leave you and mom here, I want to stay and wait for you to open your eyes but I know that this isn’t what you would like for me to do so I won’t. I will go far but my heart will always be with you. I can’t say that it will be easy, I know that it will not, life wouldn’t have a meaning if it would be easy, right? I will try to come and visit you when I have time. So until that time comes, see you and know that I love you so much. I hope that you will open your eyes again and be the same as before. Love you dad. Bye!”

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