Chapter One

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The room of the Sólas princess was as quiet as it could be as the young teenager hurried into her dress, as if she had no more time to spare, and although that was not the case, Cora was always bubbling with excitement, so much so, that she didn't want to waste any time when she could be doing other actives.

Instead of fitting on her dress, and brushing her curls, she could be doing things such as hanging out with her brothers, raiding the kitchens or exploring the library.
And speaking of her brothers, that was one of the main reasons the princess was in such a rush. Her brothers coronation was due to start in just a few hours, and she wanted to see both of them before they were whisked away by her mother because of some royal lessons or whatever they got up too nowadays.

Cora was raised a bit differently than her brothers, while she did in fact have a teacher to help guide her through everything a young lady like herself must know. Her brothers were taught by her mother. She never knew if that was a good or bad thing.
Was she being taught by a professor because her mother valued her intelligence and wants her to expand on it as much as she can?
Or was her mother just ditching her to some stranger while she could teach Tarak and Alaric real knowledge? She always wondered why she couldn't join in on the lessons, or even be acknowledged by her, the only time she was, was when they were in the public eye, but even then, she didn't put much energy into acting like a mother should.

Sighing at the thoughts, Cora finished tying a gold ribbon into her hair, in attempt to try and keep her curls from falling into her face, while also somehow observing herself in the mirror. She never did look good in gold, the maids would always remind her of that. And if they were here, instead of helping her brothers or helping decorate the castle. They would probably advise her to wear something else. But it was a custom for the royal family to wear the kingdom's colours on the day of the coronation, and even if she couldn't pull it off, it was a tradition and Cora wasn't planning to start breaking traditions or rituals like that anytime soon.
Tidying her room to the best of her abilities, so the maids would have less work when they come back from cleaning the castle, Cora shimmed on her shoes, before legging it out the door, closing it shut before skipping down the hall in an excited manner.

Cora could be described as a rule breaker, if she was ever caught that was. She was never up to breaking the law or doing some real damage, but when it came to stealing some pies from the kitchen, or even sneaking out of the castle, then that was something the young princess had already mastered.
The chef had managed to catch her a few times when she was young, but after offering to help clean up and even help bake the treats she had stolen, he wasn't too hard on her, but wasn't exactly pleased when she kept doing it either.
But while some attempts to raid the kitchen ended up in failure. Her time out of the castle wasn't that difficult as it would be for her brothers.
She remembered a few years ago she had snuck out to the closest village, hiding there for almost a day. She was trying to get reaction out of her mother, trying to prove to herself that she did care. But the longer she spent in the village to see no guards run around the streets looking for the missing princess, the longer her theory had started to crumble.
Eventually she headed back to the castle, to see her brothers worried sick, but her mother hadn't even realised she was gone.

Cora turned a corner, edging closer and closer to her twins room, her brown eyes glancing out at the kingdom below them, the bright sun shining in through the windows, like it was even smiling in joy for the day that was about to take place. She couldn't wait until Alaric was king, because the moment he was, everything was going to change! She even twirled around on her feet as she did, smiling in delight as she thought of all the things her and Tarak could do once their mother wasn't queen anymore, once Tarak was finally freed from their mothers grasp. Maybe they could go horse riding around the kingdom!
While it was easier for the princess to sneak out, if Tarak wasn't even seen for an hour, alarms would already be echoing through the halls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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