Chapter 2: The Orphan

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Every step they made, a tiny creatures with a scarlet color flew rapidly creating a path. His eyes were blazed by amazement as his mouth gaped open.

What a spectacular view! It was like when God created a path in the deep sea through Moses.

What is that tiny creatures, anyways.

"So, you died in sickness and somehow reincarnated in this world, am I correct?," the boy with a hood said.

"Ah, yes."

He let the air come out of his nose and said, "It seems, you're telling the truth, Code. So..."

"So... what?," asked Code as the boy cut his words.

"So, I suppose I can tell you what my name is."

A smile gazed in Code's face as he realized that he caught his trust. "Thank you for trusting me."

"My name, is Milo."

Code chuckled. Milo's face began to wonder.

"I... I just have a... ah... a thing in my throat."

A tiny creature alighted upon code's finger. It was like a red butterfly but more tinier and has a pointy double wings.

"It is a butterfly, a strange one," Code murmured.

"That's a Blizzar," Milo said. "That's a sign of mystery."

"Mystery? Why?" Asked code still wondering why the creature was not caled butterfly. Maybe because the what he knew is butterfly was called blizzar here.

"Because sometimes they're here, sometimes they're not."


"Look behind you," commanded by Milo.

As Code look behind, he saw an empty grass and empty air. All the blizzars they passed through was not there. He took back his sight in front of him and saw hundreds of Blizzar flying by. He manage to saw one blizzar that passed through him but suddenly disappear in his peripheral. It was beyond his wonder.

"I swear, I saw a hundreds of Blizzar that we passed through," code persuade.

"Some people said that if a Blizzar alighted on a person, he has a mysterious past and future. I suppose that is true."

"This world is strange!"

As they passed the trees, Code could see a horizon and a pathless cliff. A memories from the past flashed on his mind. The day where his family was complete enjoying the foods and a view on the top of the cliff. He snapped in reality and wondered what kind of way they were going.

"Ah, Milo, where are we heading?," code asked confused.

"Just follow me."

Milo stopped in the tip of the cliff signing to hold his hand. Code was wondering what Milo was going to do.

"Trust me," Milo said.

"It doesn't help. Do you want me to die... again!"

"Come on scaredy cat," Said Milo, mocking.

"I am not..." Milo swing onto him and pull his arm. "What a-are we... going to do here," Code asked with a shaking voice as they're standing at the very end of the cliff.

"Is you're planet don't have magic?,"Milo asked.

"Only God and other deity being can wield magic. Normal people cannot."

"I'll introduce you to magic."

Codes eyes glitters in excitement. "Wow, you mean, you can use magic! That's awesome."

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