That Night

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"Good afternoon, Mayor! Welcome back to the café!"

It was finally May, and in his café on the edge of town, Brewster had decided to host a K.K. Slider concert. K.K. had just arrived and started prepping for the big night with Brewster as soon as he came in. The coffee machines at the bar had been stowed away to make room for some of Brewster's favorite alcohols, as he had been filling the position of "barista" for the night. The doors wouldn't open for another 45 minutes, but I had early access. I was the Mayor, after all. Feeling as though I wasn't needed anywhere, I stopped by the bar to check out the array of drinks there.

"Brewster sure has a great collection over here," I heard from behind me. It was Harvey, the "groovy" cameraman for the party. He slid into the chair next to me and looked longingly at the shelves of wines and other alcohols. "I might do a piña colada, but it all depends on where the groove is. What about you?"

"I think I'm just gonna do a beer or two. Nothing too fancy tonight."

"Whatever you think is good with me. Hey, I have to finish setting up my camera over there." He pointed to the wall on the left, where a camera was propped up on a ladder. "Wanna help me out?"

"It's not like I have anything better to do."

With that, I jumped out of my stool and followed Harv to the corner of the room, where he had been using a ladder to install a video camera. He grabbed what looked like a screwdriver and started up the ladder. "All I have to do is finish this one up, and then I'm good to go," he explained, reaching for the box of tools on the table next to him. "Could you pass me those?"

I looked over and saw the box he wanted. Taking it in my hand, I stumbled up the ladder and managed to pass it to him without toppling the entire thing.

After shuffling through the tools in his box, Harvey looked back down and said, "I'm missing my wrench! Do you know where it is?"

I scanned the side table, but I couldn't see a wrench anywhere. I then checked the other tables and the bar with no success. Where else could this stupid wrench be?

Suddenly, I knew exactly where it was. Heading back to the table, I checked under the tablecloth, and—sure enough—there it was, the wrench, under the table.

I grabbed the tool and reached my hand up to Harv's. "Here you are," I said, trying to reach the dog's hand. However, we were both just a few inches too short of each other. Slowly, I made my way up the ladder once more, trying to keep it stable—

—when all of a sudden, the ladder came crashing to the ground! With a loud bang, Harvey and I were both on the floor, him laughing hysterically and me clutching my now aching arm.

"That was something," Harvey laughed, still amused at the incident. "At least I managed to fix the camera in time! Looks like everything is gonna be groovy after all."

At that exact moment, 4 of the most beautiful ladies I've ever seen walked into the café—my esteemed secretary, Isabelle; the seamstress and owner of the tailor's shop, Sable; her younger sister and coworker, Mabel; and Blathers' sister, the astronomer Celeste. All four ladies, who typically donned the same outfits every day—excluding their seasonal clothes—were now wearing surprisingly short dresses and skirts, with heels and fancy purses and everything. Being a guy who changes outfits constantly (sometimes twice or more a day), I had no idea what women wore besides their work clothes. That was definitely new to me, and to be honest, I liked it.

A lot.

At once, Isabelle was already running up to me, trying to help me up. She's adorable. "Here, Mayor!" she exclaimed, extending her paw. "Grab my hand! You look like you might need some help getting up."

"Yeah, no thanks, Isabelle." I sighed. "I think I'm good. It's nothing more than a bruise! See?" I raised my now bleeding arm, wiping off the blood with a tissue I had in my pocket before Isabelle could notice it. "Nothing more than a bruise."

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