A Reborn Phantomhive

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Athanatos de Alger Obelia is an odd child. At age two, he learned to read books by himself. And that is not to say read children's books but about magic and Obelian history. Something that baffled them all, including the Emperor and Empress themselves. At age three, after many arguments and discussions, the Emperor agreed to teach magic to his son. What no one knew was that they only gave in because they were defeated by Athanatos's strongest power known as puppy dog eyes. No one could say no when they saw him with that innocent and adorable sight, not even the ice-cold Emperor. At age four, the crown prince learned how to fight despite his mother's complaints. Like before, he used his strongest power against her, and she immediately admitted defeat when she saw his expression.

Claude, for the first time in his life, felt happy and warm with his beloved wife and son. Unfortunately, their happiness was soon shattered. When Athanatos was five years old, he and his mother, the Empress, were ambushed when his father was in a meeting. The crown prince defended and killed the assassins, but not all. Due to being a child, his body could only fight so long before it would get exhausted. When the Emperor found them, he was met with a sight that he would never forget in his entire life. His beloved wife was dead cradling their barley alive son in her arms. He was devasted and slaughtered the family and nobles who orchestrated the ambush.

Claude, despite his sadness and grief, could never bring himself to hate the Crown Prince for being the only one who survived the incident even if it was by a thread. He loved them too much. So he did all that he could for his son. Claude reached out to all magicians in the continent to heal the crown prince who was in a coma. Ever since his son had gone in a coma, he had brought him in his room and would work there while overseeing the Prince. As months passed, the Emperor grew colder and more merciless than ever. He was slowly becoming like his older brother, Anastacius. Felix, who was always by his side, started to worry about his state of mind and prayed that the Prince could awaken soon before the Emperor lost himself in eternal darkness.

A year passed after the attack that took away his beloved wife and his son, who went to a coma. Claude was slowly losing hope for his son awakening from his Coma. However, one fateful day, his knight Felix informed him that a magician has arrived who claimed he could awaken the crown prince from his slumber. Claude felt hope again after a long time. Maybe just maybe the magician could awaken his son. As expected, he agreed to see the man; however, should the man be unable to save the Prince, he would be executed.

Unknown to everyone except the silver-haired with yellowish-green eyes 'magician', Athanatos had regained his memories of his previous life. It seemed the trauma he received from the attack prompted him to remember who he was. And not just anyone, but he was once known as the Queen's Watchdog or better known as Earl Vincent Phantomhive. The most dangerous and cunning Earl known in England. No one except Undertaker knew the truth about him. Not even his wife, Rachel.

When the blonde Prince opened his eyes after a year, the first thing he saw was the familiar face of someone that he thought he would never see again. It seemed that the former reaper, Adrian Crevan, better known as Undertaker, had stayed by his side even in this life as promised in his previous life

The silver head reaper smirked mischievously. "Hello, Earl Phantomhive. It's good to see you again."

The blonde Prince smirked. "Hello...Adrian."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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