10. The one with the label

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A few weeks pass and I'm just having breakfast in my apartment, smiling to myself when I hear the shower turn on. It's going great and I really, really enjoy that it's going my way. My knowledge about Joey working in my advantage now. I love my new life and I can't wait to see what else fate has in store for me.

I wonder if I can ever tell him the truth about me. I wonder if I can tell all of them the truth about me. Where I come from, what time and universe. Will they laugh, make fun of me? Will they believe me and take me back to the place where I started? Alone and disliked? What if it's a rule that once you tell, you go back to your own time? That would suck a great deal! 

Twenty minutes later, after I ate and did the dishes, Joey comes walking out of my bathroom. His hair is still wet and I notice that when he sees me, he immediately smiles. It's addictive I must admit. And I don't want what we are building to be torn down. 

'How was your shower?' I ask, pushing a bowl of cereal towards him as he takes a seat at the table. 'Good. But I missed you with me.' He smirks and winks, causing my cheeks to heat up. 'I'd love to join you next time.' I return the wink before asking him what he's going to do today. 

He says he has an acting gig for a commercial and tomorrow an audition for a small part in a tv-show. I'm happy for him and wish him the best of luck. 'You know what calms me down when I get too nervous?' He looks up at me with his beautiful brown eyes and I wait for him to continue.

'You.' He is searching for a reaction from me but all I can do is smile. 'Really?' I can't really believe it. 'It's true. Ever since I met you, auditions go easier. I think about your face, your kiss and well,' He wriggles his eyebrows. 'Your body.' I laugh and kiss him. 'That's nice.' 

He pushes his chair away from the table, his arms stretched out to me. I'm glad to go to him. It makes me feel loved and seen. This is not like his usual hookups. 

'Mer, we've been seeing each other for a month now. And usually I don't do this but I can't get you out of my mind and I love spending time with you. I really like you. What do you say about making it official?' He asks, his big brown eyes staring adoringly at me. It's silent for a minute as I process his question to me.

'You want me to be your girlfriend?' I ask, and I'm not sure why I am doubtful of the question. 'Yes.' He says, moving his arm to my lower back. He furrows his brows together and I can tell he is cursing at himself for asking. 

'Really?' I then ask, all doubt leaving me as I see that he is very serious about it. He smiles at me again, nodding vigorously. 'Then yes, I want that very much!' I kiss him and move the way I sit so I now straddle him on the chair. 

'You have no idea how happy you made me today.' I say, and I'm actually certain that he doesn't know. I hope that I can tell him one day. 

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