Started on the couch and now im here

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Hey so Alex~chan here I'm shouting out

Because he made this first chapter as a one-shot in his Marvel x male reader one shot book and let me make a whole book about it so go check that out his stories are really Really REALLY REALLY good so I recommend reading them anyways enjoy the story

Thor's POV

"Thor get off your ass!"Clint yelled

"Yes get off thy ass."Bruce mocked.

I rolled my eyes and dusted the Cheetos off my shirt.I looked at Clint, Bruce and Tony. They were all dressed up in fancy suits and nightwear, "Why do i need to get off my ass, its perfectly good on the couch." I told them.

"Guys this is never going to work, I'll just hire him a prostitute." Tony suggested. I sprang immediately and said,"You shall do no such thing, I don't need prostitution, I can get any women i desire, after all I am the most handsome Avenger." They all sighed.

"I wouldn't say you're the hottest." Tony mentioned.

"I agree with Tony." Clint said.

"looks like Thor's back again." Bruce said.

When we arrived at the speed dating restaurant I saw an open table, "Let the best man win." I said to them, "Thor, this isn't a competitio-" Bruce was cut off, "Hold on now, what's wrong with some competition, especially one i'm going to win." Tony said, "Try getting dates without flashing your net worth." Clint remarked.

"Thor did you have to bring your hammer?" Tony asked.

"Of course, I take Mjolnir everywhere I go." I told him, he responded with, "Whatever, goodluck being a babe magnet with that hammer by your side." I told him, "and besides, it hasn't stopped me before."

I met all sorts of people, it was...different.

"yeah, the only reason i'm doing the speed dating thing is to meet someone new, after the divorce things have-"


"I don't normally do this sort of thing, my mom just wanted me to go out and leave my cats at home. Speaking of my cats do you wanna see pictures? I named them all this is-"


It was my last date and honestly, I was happy to leave. I was used to the women in Asgard, who would like to fight to earn a date with me.

I was surprised at who my last date was, a guy. He sat down so casually. he looked weak, but I was untreated to know who this guy was.

"Hi." He started.

"Hello, I'm Thor."

"Thor, that's a new one. I'm y/n."

"That means beautiful where I come from."

"Wow, you are...something else." He said.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked.

"You tell me." He answered.

I leaned in, just to see what effect i had on him, I was surprised when he leaned in too, "You're so full of yourself." He told me.

"Well I-"


"Time's up-"

I sighed then stood up and left.

Tony, Clint and Bruce were waiting for me,"Who was that?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, he left you blushing." Bruce mentioned

"Now we can call you Gay God of thunder."Tony said.

They all laughed. They stopped when they see something behind me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder...

Thor, you forgot your hammer thing." Y/n said. I turned and saw him holding Mjorlnir like it was made from Styrofoam.

I was so shocked no words were leaving my mouth. Y/n put the hammer in my arms and ran off.


To be continued...

*Hello to the people who have read this story so far please vote and comment and once I see that a certain amount of people have I will update and sorry I haven't it's just that I'm also lazy* p.s. if I get 5 more votes I'll update also sorry to those who are really excited and have been waiting for this I'm just looking for encouragement in my writing and the storyline I'm working on*

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