The Questioning

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I walked away from Thor after giving him back his hammer thing his friends looked at me shocked but I don't exactly know why. Anyways I'm craving Wendy's so I get into my car and drive to the nearest Wendy's and go in the drive-through ordering a bacon 4 for 4.  I got my food and then drove back home, getting out of the car and staring up at my small apartment building, the building is grey and black, kinda plain but I like it like that. I walk into my apartment building and go in the elevator up to the second floor. I unlock my door and walk in and lock the door behind me. Without even turning on the lights, I set my food down on the coffee table in my living room, find the remote, turn on the tv and sit down to watch Harry Potter for the 100th time. As I'm eating the lights flick on randomly, as I sigh hearing a person speak in an arrogant tone from behind me. 

"So it's not often that just anyone can pick up Point Break's hammer."

Sorry for the constant edits, the older I get the more I cringe at my own poorly written stories, I thought this would sound better than what I did originally and I got randomly inspired, however, I think I'm going to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for just a bit more, thank you for reading my garbage and Ethan's wonderful composition have a lovely day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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