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304 A.D, Goryeo (Korea).

King Gorrathe III of Great Britain set sail unto Land of Asia. He conquered and rule the three kingdoms of Korea withiut sweat dropped and  occuring a bloody war between; Baekje, Silla, and Goryeo. Under his veil, people in Great Asia suffer in his supremacy. Kings of every kingdom were slaughtered by his own bare hands, leaving them in a fragile state and sent unto the pit he created for sinners under his judgement.

He shown his greatness in every possible way, challenging the remaining Eunuch's of every Kingdom in a barefist fight. With his stance, body figure and clever thinking, it is not wondrous why he easily conquered the rest lands of great Asians in that era with only a thousand of men with him against of uncountable warriors they fought from kingdom to kingdom, and slaughtered every king's by himself.

Trumpets brazening.

“Behold! townspeople of Goryeo!”
“Lord Gorrathe has something to be told, still your stance and have your hearings unto him” his advisor said.

“I just have some matter to make you aware, listen. It has been five years to be exact since I took this kingdom from you—conquered I mean. All I ask in each one of you is your loyalty and truthfulness towards me, now, one of the Eunuch in your adjacent kingdom before which is Silla, reported to me that your former lord Gongyang has a daughter. I didn't know about this before and since, but with that skinny bald Eunuch, he spill it out after torturing him unto his end, sadly and beautifully.” he said and sarcastically smiled.
“I want every person under his bloodline to be killed, no one should be still alive including pets of them!”, “Or else, you'd all be in misery farther than this” he turned his back and leave people with terror painted in their face.

“As sooner as possible speak it out, those who hid the daughter of the former lord, will not be punished and thrown unto the sinner's pit.” the advisor followed.

People chatters indistincly.

“Wait what?”
“Princess Gi is still alive?”
“If then, I hope she's safe”
“Shut your mouth! what if one of the guards will hear you, you're placing your self unto your own grave”

“Dear young-lady!, young-lady!” panting.

“Speak out, what is it?”

“King Gorrathe just found out that you are still alive!”
“One of the Eunuch of Silla speak it out!” the old-lady followed.

“Is that a problem?” a sarcasm replaced the Princess' boredom.

“W-what are you talkin' about young-lady!?”, “If you'd die, this whole land of Goryeo will lose its last blessing which is you!” old-lady uttered with such worries casted in her face.

“I know! I know Jin-Jae Ah, I know omma okay?” Princess' solace.

The three kingdoms were turned to one under Gorrathe's behest, and call it Gorrathema inspired by his name. Gorrathe created new unnatural rules applied to Gorrathema, showing his absolute supremacy towards every Asian under his cloak, there were rules as well created only came from his pride and arrogant personality.

Asians themselves took lives of their kinds by the law created and being implied by the king. Every sun passes by is a violent and bloody time for those who breached-out the King's restrictions.

Out-cries, utterings, and mourns are what people can only do towards the king unforgivable actions. All the people under the supremacy of Gorrathe were feared him with all of their guts, exception for a young-lady named Gi or to be called Princess Gi. She's the last pure Royal blooded in their kingdom but under search by the cruel king. She feared nothing else but the loss of lives of  townspeople whom his father protected until his last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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