
Sitting on one of the leather covered chairs provided, I fidget with a loose thread of my shirt. A woman maybe in her later forties walked out of a room which has the sign "Coffee Room" on its door. She has a motherly energy radiating from her. She smiles and it significantly calms my nerves. I return her a nervous smile. As if sensing my nervousness, she walks towards me and comfortingly pats my back. I look at her just to see her beaming at me.

"It will be alright," She says

"Yes, thank you!" I express my gratitude for her support.

What a kind stranger.

Suddenly I feel homesick as she reminds me of my mother. It's been only a few days since we moved here and I have already started missing my family. Since the university was itself in Yorkshire, so I never was far from home. Now when it is time for me to grow up and finally learn how to cope with difficulties on my own, I want to go back. The thought that my mum isn't ten minutes away is unsettling.

"Annebelle Adams."

An authoritative high-pitched voice calls out breaking me out of my reverie. I see a beautiful lady with her blonde hair in an immaculate bun, dressed in sapphire blue pant suit calling out my name. I recognise her as Lilliana Claire. The other leading architect of The Deakin's firm and Katherine's best friend.

"Yes."  I reply standing up from my seat straightening my pants with my hand.

"Come with me."

She smiles at the lady whose name is still a mystery to me and then gestures me to follow her.

I am led into a big office. Miss Lilliana joins Miss Katherine on the other side of the desk. I am quite weirdly calm as opposed to the past hour anxiety. Miss Katherine has a much more commanding aura compared to Miss Lilliana. Feigning confidence, I greet them.

"Good morning."

Good morning is appropriate greeting for every setting right? "I think you are forgetting that evening occurs toomy subconscious sasses me. "Alright." No time for a banter with myself.

"Good morning Miss Adams, please take a seat."

"Thank you."

"Let us begin the interview then."

I smile at them.

" So I have gone through the resume you sent. Impressive GPA, I must say." Miss Lilliana speaks up.

"Thank you."

"So why do you want to be a part of "The Deakin's?"

This time Miss Katherine is the one speaking. She raises an eyebrow as if challenging me to come up with a better than best answer.

I smile going through my rehearsed answer to this question as I thought this would be an inevitable question.

"It's a huge opportunity for me to work here. It would be my golden luck to be working under great architects like you which have been my inspiration since I came across. Also, I read your company’s mission and vision. After finding out more information about your company from social media, I can clearly see how my goals align with the purposes of the company. There's nothing I love more than when I am working with other engaged individuals towards a common goal, and that's what excited me about working here."

Miss Lilliana beams at their appraisal.
Miss Katherine looks at me disdainfully. I get the feeling she isn't a person who can be easily impressed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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