Quidditch and confessions

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A/N OMG I JUST NOTICED THAT THIS IS 762 FOR FRIENDSHIPS I MEAN IT'S NOT ANYWHERE NEAR THE TOP BUT IM STILL SO FRIKIN HAPPY :) Also this may be a really short fic because im not really enjoying writing it and i have another jily idea I really want to do so im gonna end it soon but i will finish the story then end it if that makes sense.

(Yes we are doing quidditch because i ran out of ideas. and this is gonna be based on another head cannon i have read cause i love it so much)

James POV

Today is one of the last Quidditch games before the winter break.

We are against Slytherin and I plan on absolutely destroying them. I wake up early and go to breakfast, eat then go down to the pitch early with the rest of the team. I play chaser and im also captain this year! I give a quick pep talk to the team "Ok this is Slytherin we are facing, although they suck (sorry to any Slytherins you dont actually suck i have a ton of slytherin friends) they are actually a decent team. But kick their arses anyway alright!" I get a chorus of yes captin and yes ma'am's. Im really excited!

Lily POV

I go to sit in the common room and read. I don't usually go to the Quidditch matches, I just stay inside. But this morning Alice came in and practically dragged me out of the dorm. "How did you even get the password and where are we going?" I ask, still being dragged against my will "James, Quidditch pitch" she answers "No, Alice I dont want to go to the Quidditch match its boring" I say trying to pull away. She wont let me. "I dont care you are coming" she says stubbornly. I sigh knowing that there is no point arguing with her. Marlene is down at the pitch already, she is a beater along with Black.

We reach the pitch along with quite a few students, we are early by about 15 minutes so there are only a few other students here but more are coming. We wait it out and soon the match begins.

3rd person POV

The two captains shake hands, and the quaffle gets thrown up into the air and the match begins.

James grabs the quaffle and races around the Slytherins chasers. Sirius hits a bludger towards the chaser right on James' tail, it hits him on th shoulder and he falls off his broom but gets back on, but not quick enough, James scores a goal for Gryffindor and pumps a fist in the air as the crowd cheers! Soon its 90-60 Gryffindor. If either team catches the snitch they could win.

Lily POV (here is where it gets fun)

The game has been going on for a while and Gryffindor is in the lead by 20 points. I hear subtle chanting in the stands but I can't quite make out what it is... Suddenly I catch what they are chanting, "WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU" clap, clap clap clap "WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU" clap, clap clap clap. All of the muggle-borns and some of the half-bloods are chanting we will rock you. I start laughing and join in "WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU" clap, clap clap clap. All of the pureboods are looking around confused Alice just stares at me like im insane but I keep chanting "WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU" clap, clap clap clap. Soon I hear more chanting and realize what the Slytherins are chanting "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT" it is much weaker because there is little to no muggle borns and a not as many half bloods but they are trying. Gryffindor and Slytherin keep chanting and watching the game. My throat started to hurt so I stopped chanting but was still watching the players. James looks kinda handsome on his broom.... wait no he doesnt.

Yes he does a voice inside my head says

no he doesnt

yes he does you like him

no i dont we are just friends

you dont want to be friends though, you want to be more

no i dont

yes you do

shut up



because im right

no your n-

I get inturrupted by the commentator yelling into the microphone "GRYFFINDOR HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS 300-100 POINTS!"

A/N ok sorry but i just had a frikin heart attack! so i was changing the title and wattpad decided to stop working, and ive been sitting here for about an hour writing and i had to refresh the page, so i did and it said it saved all of my work, but when i refreshed it DELETED ALL OF MY WRITING but i managed to get it back dont worry.

We won! Gryffindor won!

I walk back up to the castle and pass James on the way "Good job Potter" I say "Thanks Evans" He replys. . I go to find Marlene I need to talk to her like badly.

I finaly find her and drag her into a empty classroom. "Marlene I need your help" I say nervously "Umm okay whats up" she says "I uh... think.. I think i like James." I say shyly. She stands there with her mouth open for about a minute before practically screaming "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! YOU DO LIKE JAMES!" "Shhhhh calm down i dont need the whole school knowing" I say a little annoyed. "Sorry im just soo happy!!!!  My ship is sailingggg!" She gasps "YOU SHOULD ASK HIM TO THE YULE BALL » she exclaims « No its not like he likes me back » I say obviously it was just to annoy me whenever he asked me out and he hasn't this year either. « Are you serious??? He is head over heals for you Lil! You NEED to ask him! » Jeez shes just not giving up « I will think about it. » I say « Fine » she knows how stubborn I am. We walk out of the class room and go our separate ways to our dorms.
Should I ask him? 

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