Face reveal + answering your questions!

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Guys I meant to post this when I got 200 followers but some how overnight I got 300! You guys are the sweetest sweetest sweetest!
Thank you (*˘︶˘*)..:*

Now before this reveal, I hope that you can all judge me on my art not my looks.
I don't post often of myself, and only because of you guys I wanted to give something for this. So please keep the roasts to a minimum ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥)

Warning:  Ugliness ahead.

You have been warned.

Um... hello!


Yes yes, I know I look like a strange freak, hehe, but that's me

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Yes yes, I know I look like a strange freak, hehe, but that's me.  A BIG thank you to my sister who did my makeup! 

Posting this is nerve-racking , but it's for you guys!

Now I will be answering the questions you all asked!!

How old are you?:
I am 14 years old, but I'm turning 15 soon! (*˘︶˘*)..:*

What's your Ethnicity?:
Half Korean/ half American! I'm a blend hehe ~(˘˘~)

Where do you live?:
I happen to live in Texas right now. But I use to live in New York. ♪~ ()

Do I speak other languages?:
Yes! I speak 3! Korean, English, and Spanish!

How is your dad? And how is your family?:
Thank you for asking! My dad is fine! He's just tried, but he's happy! And we all hope to see him soon! My family are doing fine, just trying to help out in this time. (><)ノ゙*

What's your clothes style?:
Hmm, well I had favorites, it would be long neck sweaters, and jeans. ¯\_()_/¯

What's your favorite food?:
Kimchi, just so good! (*˘︶˘*)..:*

What's your favorite candy?:
Jelly beans!! ☆ミ

Have you ever seen a Studio Ghibil film, and if you have which is your favorite:?
Yes I have! the ones I have seen are, ponyo, princess mononoko, my neighbor Totoro, and spirited away. My favorite is definitely "My neighbor Totoro"

Do you have a crush on someone on Wattpad? And if you do who?:
*Blushes* ahem. I don't have a crush per say.... Ahem. And no I won't give out the name (><)ノ゙*

Do you have other things you like to do than drawing?:
Yes, I love to dance! And sing. Tho I can't say im good at either. Also video games are another thing I love to do!

Do you have a pet:?
Yes a cute kitten named Kiki!

That's all guys! This was scary, and fun!
I don't think I'll post this kinda stuff very soon again. But who knows.

Now before we are done, I wanna give a few special thank yous to some amazing people who let me get this far from the beginning!

-HealingScars- : Cute friend, whos my first Friend here!
MrAnimator2 : such a great person, who always makes me laugh!
crazyocshipper : seriously such a great motivater!

My first three friends who helped me so much on my short awkward journey! Thanks guys! 

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