chapter 13

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I wake up and see that I'm in the hospital. I try to get up but my head was hurting so bad. I forgot what happened last night. I'm so confused. The door opens and in comes Kai.

K: OMG y/n your awake
Y: what happened
K: you tried to kill your self
Y: really I don't remember
K: you don't remember anything
Y: nope
K: okay

Kairi POV

Ok good she doesn't remember that I said I loved her.

End of kairi POV


Y: come in

Mattia walks in

K: you shouldnt be here bro
Y: Kai it's fine
K: no it's not he's the reason why you tried killing your self
M: I was wondering if I could talk to her...privately
K: no
Y: yes it's fine
K: but-
Y: Kai it's fine. If I need you I'll call you now please go wait outside
K: fine

He gets up and walks out.

M: um I'm sorry for everything I didn't know you would do this and it's all my fault. I feel like shit.
Y: mattia I accept your apology but I didn't know it would affect me so much.
M: so we cool. We can be friends but only friends
Y: yes we can

He smiles.


It's been like 2 days and I get released today. 

Dez: you ready
Y: yeah let's go
Dez: hey I'm I'm sorry for not being there for you...I -i feel like a terrible sister
Y: it's fine I'm just happy to go home

We arrive home. I get out and open the door and once I step inside everyone jumps out. I got so scared.

y: y'all do realise I was in the hospital for 3 days not that big of a deal
Ale: it's a big deal for us
K: yeah
Aloe: were trying to do something nice okay
Y: thank you
Katie: okay so what we gonna do first
M: yeah
Y: how about we go for a swim
Everyone: yes
(Let's just say you have a pool in your backyard)


Y: so are you and mattia good now
K: yeah we all forgave him
Y: good
Ale: y/n you gonna get in or what
Y: nope I do-

Before I could finish my sentence kairi picks me up and throws me in the pool

Kai: sorry I had to

Everyone starts laughing

Y: you bitch
Kai: you know you love me
Y: ha ha funny
Kai: thanks

We all just spent a few hours swimming and talking. Today was the best day. Once it was turning night we decided to go watch a movie.

Y: guys today was fun thank you
Aloe: your welcome
Ale: we didn't even expect this to be that fun
Kai: yea we just thought we were gonna chill in your room the whole day
Katie: yea
y: are you guys gonna sleep over or...
M: yea why wouldn't we
Everyone: yea
Y: well I'm kinda tired so imma go sleep in my room ...are you guys fine sleeping in the living room
Everyone: yes
Y: okay goodnight
Everyone: goodnight

I walk upstairs into my room and go to sleep.

Kairi POV

M: so when are you gonna ask her out
Kai: I'm sorry what
M: when are you gonna ask y/n out
Kai: idk what your talking about
Ale: Kai don't be dumb we know you like her
Katie: yea and plus I heard you say you loved her
Kai: idk guys
M: I know that she probably won't trust you over what happened with me but just go slowly and take her on dates
Aloe: yea or to the beach
Kai: don't you think it's gonna be weird that I'm dating your ex
M: nah bro were cool now and plus we're just friends
Kai: well since it's okay I'll try my best

End of Kai's POV


Hey guys


Happy bday mattia...sTuPiD fUcKiNg DiNaSoUr

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