Chapter 1-Crash

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I hate it so much when my dad persuades me to go with to have a fun weekend away. Besides the fact he is calling it fun it's quite the opposite. Sooo boring. But I go along and pretend I'm enjoying it. Unfortunately today is one of those weekends and me and dad are getting ready to go out. I pick out an outfit, a midnight blue skater skirt and white crop with the word brazil written on it.  I pick out a pair of white converse shoes and leave my jacket as the sky is clear blue and there's a blazing hot sun outside. Dad called me downstairs and we went out the door and into the car. We drove for about half an hour and along the way I noticed a white van that seemed to be following us. I shook my head at myself, I can be so stereotypical sometimes I just can't help it. Unexpectedly the van comes hurtling towards us without any warning, crashing into my side of the car. Despite my seatbelt, I go flying over to the other side hitting my head hard causing it to bleed. Spinning around and around, our car topples over. my dad who has lost control of the car is holding on for dear life. Blood is dripping onto my lap and I feel like I've been shot. The van that went into the side of us is lost from sight. Not that I can see anything anyway. The car finally came to a halt and so did i. I just totally blacked out.


I woke up to the sounds of ambulance sirens. I was still in the car but my dad wasn't. Where was he? I stepped out into the fresh air, realising I no longer felt like I'd been shot, there's no more blood, no pain, nothing. I looked down at myself, totally shocked and surprised. I just didn't understand any of it. I quickly moved on and looked around for my dad. Finding him sat looking very heartbroken, very much in pain but alive at least. I shouted him but it seemed as if he didn't hear me. The crash could have done something to his hearing, so I just ran over to him. I stood and gave him a small smile letting him know i was glad he was okay. But he just stared straight ahead, didn't even acknowledge me as if I wasn't there at all. That confused me a whole lot more. I reached out for his arm but I just couldn't grab it. It was if my hand went straight through. My face filled with horror. as a shocking thought came to me. I headed straight back to the car dreading what I was about to see. I peeked through the back window and I was at that very moment I realised I was dead. 

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