02 - evil reigns over

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"stop," i try to say in a loud voice, "i'm tired."

jimin stops, "did you say something," he whispers. "shoot, i think they're coming."

he gently takes my hand again and drags us deeper into the forest.

"what's happening?" jimin squeaks.

"are you crying?" i mumble.

"huh?" he faces me as he keeps running, tears piling on each other.

"i'm sorry, forget i said something."

"hey yoongi-" jimin stops.

i almost hit into him as he stops but i don't. "whats the mat-"

"the forest is on fire now, shit."

"don't curse, you're not old enough to!"



"we're trapped now yoongi."

i look around. the fire in the forest isn't spreading fast but it's not slow. "crap," i grit my teeth. i glance around my surroundings.

everything seems so hazy...i think i might be losing consciousness...

"yoongi!" jimin whisper-yells. "are you okay, you look pale. well, paler than usual."

"yeah, maybe."

i take a step forward but instantly lose my balance causing me to slip and fall.


"you heard that? they might be over here," adult voices illuminate the air.

"yoongi did you just faint?"

i want to say no because i can hear him well but i can't because it hurts to and i might just actually faint now.

"yoongi, wake up!"

i slowly close my eyes to his voice because i have to admit, i like jimin's voice but here i am, slowly closing my eyes into a slumber.


i wake up with a jolt. "where am i?" i mumble, vision still a little blurry for me.

the forest.

i'm still here.

where's jimin?

I look around to see him laying in my lap. i sigh in relief until i realize blood is on his face.

is he injured? i start to panic a little.

i wipe the blood from his face, holding him gently. "it's not coming from him," i mumble, "then who?" i look up immediately and to my surprise, six adults.

six adults in suits, well uniforms. on their whatever they're called, uhm, chest protection vest? it displays the letters 'ROT'.

but the thing is, these six adults are laying on the ground solemnly. blood pools surround their laying bodies.

my eyes widen at this picture i'm seeing.

what happened just now?

horror is plastered on my small face as i'm too shocked to say or do anything.

"a-are they d-d-de-" i can't finish my sentence.

i look down at jimin and clench his small chubby hand. i inch closer to it, crying on his hand.

please tell me this is a dream because if so, i want to wake up immediately.

it was then i realized i was the one bleeding. my hands were cut an abundance of times.

i feel as if i'm going to faint again.

"yoongi?" i hear a familiar voice from below me.

i let go of his hand, wanting to cry.

i pulled him into a gentle hug as tears start to well up.

"yoongi?" jimin confusingly hugs me back, "you're really yoongi right?" i can hear from his voice that he's smiling right now. "i know we only met today but i feel particularly close to you for some odd reason."

i smile, thinking the same. "yeah."

a tear drops from my eyes.

and that was the end of act one, scene two.

funny that things play out like this.

it may have been scene two but it was act one scene one for the world.

the start to the end of the world.


the takeover

i never realized how big of a deal i was until now.

it is the end of the world after all.

"fuck," i mumble under my breath as i pant from all this running being done.

"dude you're 15 and you're still mumbling! speak up i can't hear you!" jimin snarls at me as he extends his hand.

i take it as we run at the same pace.

i turn to the corner noticing one of them.

"they're here too," jimin scoffs.

he drags me straightforward.

"let go," i say with a gentle voice loud enough for him to hear. "that one looks kind?"

"kind? are you kidding me?" jimin rolls his eyes, "yoongi the world is ending and you want to call one of them kind-looking?" he kicks at the sidewalk, "i think you've gone crazy."

i go back to the corner and look at that. "hey buddy, it'll be fine-"

"yoongi get back!"

i flinch, stepping back as it pounces on me.

jimin jumps in front of me, taking the hit. "yep, you've gone crazy min yoongi." jimin throws it on the ground as he takes my hand and leaves.

i smile, "thanks."

"huh?" he growls, "that was all your fault."

"oho, i can tell you're blushing," i giggle. "but really, thank you."




happy birthday yoongi!!


5/16/20 anna; since  this was uploaded on yoongi's birthday originally, i said happy bday to him - which is why that's there, to new readers haha.

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