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Chandler Riggs x Reader
Asylum AU
Warnings: Swearing, Mental Illness, Self Harm/Injuries

Disclaimer: this is not written to romanticize mental illness, I just find stories set in asylums interesting and wanted to write something of my own.


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Opening the door, I entered my patient's cell, holding a tray of food. I looked in the corner of the room and saw him huddled in the corner, his straitjacket forcing him to hug himself as he stared at the wall, emotionless.

"Chandler." I spoke up. I could tell it had grabbed his attention, but he didn't face me and just continued to stare at the wall.

"I brought you lunch." I continued. I cautiously made my way to the mentally unstable boy. I noticed him twitch slightly as I kneeled down behind him.

"Come on, you haven't eaten in-"

"I don't want it."

His voice was low and husky, most likely because he hadn't drank anything either. His hair was messy and was sticking up in several directions, most of it covering his face and eyes.

"Chandler, you have to eat. Starving yourself isn't healthy."

The boy's head slowly turned to face me, his piercing blue eyes peeking through his hair and glaring daggers into mine.

"Do I look fucking healthy to you?" He hissed, twitching again and tilting his head.

"Please calm down, Chandler." I kept my voice calm and professional, trying to hide my worry. He usually acted like this before having one of his episodes, where he would get really aggressive, causing harm to himself or attempting to harm others.

A low growl came from the boy, his head snapping back to face the wall again. I could see his shoulders moving up and down rapidly, as if he were trying to calm his breathing.

I could hear him breathing heavily through his nose, hanging his head and tensing his body. I gave him a few minutes to himself and then reached for the spoon on the plate. We weren't allowed to use forks or knives near Chandler in case he somehow got ahold of them and did God knows what - he was pretty unpredictable.

I scooped some food onto the spoon and held it out towards the boy, "come on, eat."


I let out a sigh and set the spoon down. I gently placed my hand on Chandler's shoulder and felt him stiffen up under my touch. I forced his body around to face me, despite his obvious attempts to stay where he was.

"Eat." I said firmly. I picked up the spoon again and moved it towards his lips. Like a child who didn't want to eat his vegetables, Chandler kept his mouth sealed and turned away from the utensil with a tiny grunt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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