Rock, Paper, Scissors♪ It's Cure Peace!!

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Sora's POV

It was the next morning and I had changed into my uniform and pulled up my hair into my normal side ponytail. I also put my phone and the novel I was reading last night as well. As I walk down the stairs I remember what Miku had told me.

Just talk to Miyuki and Akane about how I am feeling and see if they are hiding something from me. But don't be too rude about it, let's just hope for a miracle on this one.

I placed my lunch that Miku had made for me and there was a note on it. I placed the lunch in my bag and pulled off the note. I read it and it said

Sora, I hope that you are ok without me for this morning. Because I had to head to school early to help set up a poster contest that the school is doing. I'll tell you more about it later. Luv u :)

I smile at the note and place it in my bag and grab my sweater before heading out to school. Let's just hope that Miyuki and Akane are really my true friends. I would be in such heavy despair if they weren't.


So it was lunch time and I hadn't been able to talk to Miyuki or Akane because they were too busy talking with each other before classes. I was now eating my lunch on the roof when I could hear Miyuki and Akane talking once again.

"Your mom's omelets are the best!" Akane says to Miyuki as she pulls out a pink compact mirror thing. "Now then...if I put the Rose Decor into the Smile Pact" Miyuki says as she places the rose thing from yesterday into the compact. It lights up in a similar way to the book at the library. "Let's go! Roses!" A small bouquet of roses then appears and my jaw drops. "These smell nice." Candy says as I stand up and place my unfinished lunch back into my bag.

I walk over behind them again. Maybe they will actually see me this time around. "They smell very refreshing, aren't they?" Miyuki says with happiness. "The Cure Decor can do stuff like that, too?" Akane asks excitedly. "The Cure Decor are treasures that can help save Märchenland." Candy says and I assume Märchenland is her world.

"Akane! Getting a hold of the Cure Decor is our mission as Precure!" Miyuki says, crossing her arms with a slightly sour expression. "Becoming a Precure one day before me has gone to your head, hasn't it?" Akane says, also crossing her arms but with a more smug look.

Miyuki laughs that off. "Anyway, apparently there are six Precure in total. Let's find them together!" Miyuki says standing up. Wait six? Hmm, interesting. I'll possibly ask her about that later. "Alright! You can depend on me!" Akane says lifting her fist into the air.

I decided to come out from my hiding spot. "Hey, what are you guys up to?" I ask pretending like I hadn't been up there all the whole time. Miyuki and Akane both notice me and Miyuki freaks out. "Oh hi Sora! We were just talking, right Akane?" Miyuki says freaking out. "Yeah! We were just talking up here while eating an omelette Miyuki's mom made!" Akane says slightly more calm but not by much.

"Uh, ok. Can I ask you guys something later? I have something I need to ask you both about." I say, nervously pulling at the sleeve of my sweater. "Oh course, Sora! We would love to. Right, Miyuki?" Akane says elbowing Miyuki in her side. "Will you stop that, Akane? It hurts. Yeah, we would love to. Why don't we come over to your house to hang out later? We can talk then." Miyuki says happily while rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, that works, let's do that this weekend. I can't wait." I say with a smile. Akane then notices something behind me, Miyuki and I turn around to see Yayoi doing something. I'm gonna guess that she is drawing, because that is what Miku told me she likes to do when she is alone.

We nod to each other and walk over to Yayoi. Akane and Miyuki peek over her shoulders and I walk around to the other side of the seat she was in. We could then see Yayoi was drawing in an anime art style. The drawing was pretty good, it looked very much like a true piece of manga.

Smile Precure! The Purple CureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang