Helping Sofia :)

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Violetta: Leon...

Leon: What Violetta?

Violetta: Of course I want to have kids with you Weirdo *laughs* but not now first I just me and you alone :)

Leon: Yes, I understand I want that too

Couple hours later...

Violetta and Leon dressed up fore the party

Violetta: Leon you look so handsome

Leon: Thanks but the dress was beautiful but now it's perfect

Violetta: Thanks Leon

At the party

*music playing*

Everyone was dancing and there was a girl named Sofia

Sofia saw Leon

Sofia thought: He is so perfect that guy

Sofia walked to Leon and said Hi

Sofia: Hey Leon

Leon: Hey Sofia

Sofia: How are you?

Leon: Fine thanks and you?

Sofia: Yeah i'm fine :)

Sofia walked away to a girl called Maria

Sofia: Maria, Leon is so cute. I think i'm in love

Maria: Yeah fun but he is married

Sofia: Oohh... *cries* that girl is really lucky :)

Maria: Sorry I have to go

Sofia: Bye *crying*

Sofia goes and sits on a table all alone

Sofia's POV

Well, have I to be happy fore him. but I just fellt he was the one fore me.

End of Sofia's POV

Violetta walks to her

Violetta: Hey are you okay?

Sofia: Yeah *wipes her tears away quickly*

Violetta: You are not, tell i'm not going to be mad!

Sofia: Well I like Leon and I thought he was the one. But then I heard that he is married to a girl and then I just fellt hurt. That girl is really lucky :)

Sofia didn't know Violetta was that girl

Violetta: Yeah but don't give up. There will someone who will be the one fore you

Sofia: Thanks Vio *smiles*

Violetta walked to Leon while they were dancing she whispers something in his ear

Violetta: Leon, you know that girl Sofia right?

Leon: Yesj

Violetta: She has a crush on you and she was crying when she heard that you are married

Leon: Ooh are you mad at her?

Violetta: NO no, i'm not mad but please go to here and make her happy

Leon: Allright, you just care so much fore other people I like that

Kisses her cheek and walked to Sofia

Leon: Hey Sofia :)

Sofia: Ohhh... Hey Leon ;')

Leon: You don't seem happy

Sofia: Uhh.. Yeah a little bit

Leon: I know why you were crying

Leon hugs her :)

Leon: You will find someone, You are a really nice person

Sofia: Thank you Leon

Leon walked back to Violetta

Leon: I did well right my heart :)

Violetta: You always do :)

Camilla and Broadway walked to Leon and Violetta

Camilla: Violetta!

Leon: Hey Cami

Broadway: Me and Camilla are engaged

Leon: Wow congrats bro!

Broadway: Thanks!

Violetta: Congrats Camii and Broadway

Camilla: Thanks, I'm going to tell Fran and Ludmi and Naty Byeexx

Leon: Violetta come with me!

They went to room all alone

Violetta was literally against the wall.

Violetta: Leon, what are you doing?

Leon: I just want feel my girl *he said in a smooth way*

Leon kissed her. while he kissed her ,he puts his hand on her back and slide the zipper down.

Violetta: Leon!!

Leon: Ssssshh! *he looked at her bra*

Leon took his jacket off

Leon kissed her again really long

Violetta: I love you Leon

Leon: I love yoo too. You are soo... Sexy

We were looking in each other eyes

But then someone knocked on the door

Violetta quickly putted her dress on and Leon his jacket

Violetta: Yes

....: It's Naty

Violetta: Come in

Naty comes in

Naty: Did you two just do something? haha

Leon: No we were just talking and having fun he said with a smile

Naty: Ok byee *laughing but she didn't believe him*

Naty: They were almost making out hihi

Francesca: Hahaha

Ludmila: Omg really Naty, well lets go to the boys again :)


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Have fun reading :)

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i'm so happy ツ

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