Chapter 5

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28th October 2012

As much as I'd like to sit around and wait for Julian's possible call on Sunday, I decide to get myself up and about like I normally do on the weekends. Dad will come by later, and probably Katie and Steph. But for now I head for the Paediatric ward to hang out with some of my little buddies. For some reason all of the kids love me. No one's sure why, since I'm usually so off putting. But I play games, read stories, dress up and draw with them.

At lunch I head back up to my room, and Steph and Katie are in there waiting for me.

"Hey!" they both squeal, practically jumping on me.

"Schoolwork," Steph says with a grin, handing me a pile of notes.

"You guys are the best," I say sarcastically.

But they really are. I guess the good thing about cancer is you find out who your real friends are. Steph and Katie are the only two friends I have visit me. I can't blame the other kids though - hospitals are horrifying.

The girls and I are sitting down talking, when my eyes happen to wander and I see it. A phone message stuck to my bedside table. It takes all my strength not to grab it and read it. If it is Julian, I can call him later. If it's Dad, he's only calling to say what time he'll be here, or that he isn't coming. If it's Mum, there'd be more than one message sitting there. I reluctantly leave the piece of paper while we go down to get ice cream. I don't tell my two best friends about Julian - not yet. After all, I've only known him four days, and only seen him twice.

After a couple of hours, the girls leave with a hug and promises to return next week. I don't doubt it, they're here pretty much every weekend. I grab the small square of paper the second they're gone, and yes, it is from Julian. He called a few hours ago, but I try my luck anyway. After a few rings, it goes through to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Julian. Leave a message after the-" It cuts off then beeps, and I roll my eyes.

"Ah, hey Julian,  it's Avery. I missed your call... obviously. Um, anyway I'll be in for the rest of the day. And night. Nowhere to go so... Any who, I know you're busy, but if you want you can call me back. If not, then don't. Um, ok, bye." I smack myself in the face. I hate leaving messages, because that happens - I act like a dork.

My dad visits me a bit later in the afternoon. He knows all the details on my surgery, and he even knows about my date the other night. Funny how my parents barely used to speak, but now apparently they talk about everything. Thankfully my dad isn't as prying as my mother, and I get away with giving minimal details.

A couple of hours later and he's getting ready to leave, when my phone rings. I go wide eyed. It might be Julian.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Dad asks as I stare at the phone in horror.

I snap back to reality and reach for the receiver. "Hello?" I ask hesitantly, hoping it's Mum.

"Hey," Julian says. "Finally finished for the day. Can you talk now?"

I look up at my dad. "Uh, hang on a sec." I pull the phone away and cover the mouth piece as best I can. "Are you going?" I ask Dad, sounding a little eager to get him out.

"Ok, ok," Dad says, taking the hint and giving me a hug before heading for the door. I pull my hand away and then Dad yells, "And if I hear that boy's been anywhere near you, he'll have some explaining to do." Then he leaves.

I groan and put the phone back up to my ear. "Hey," I say.

"Who was that?" Julian asks, sounding a little stand-offish.

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