Chapter 8

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"How did he take it?"

"Not well. But it did not come to blows."

"That will have to do for now. Thank you, Zharko."

"Of course, Mother."

Areli sluggishly opened his eyes as the door to his room opened. Though it was a far cry from the heavy, grating noise of the one in Fredando's dungeons, he still squirmed at the sound of it sliding across the floor, especially as the noise issued from above his head. Twisting uncomfortably, he was able to see in a moment that it was Tehraiza who had entered, and settled a bit at the sight, relieved.

"Who did she send?"

Tehraiza's look was sharp, but betrayed nothing of her feelings; she paused before she sat down, simply reading him herself and offering nothing in return. When she finally averted her gaze and seated herself at his side, she answered curtly, "Andor," and smoothed the wrinkles from the skirts across her lap. Areli felt a shiver go through him: Andor was not a hot-tempered man, nor was he rash, but he was likely to be displeased with the way Tehraiza had turned his manipulation around on itself. Even less likely to be pleased was Urai, certainly not far behind and many more than just a token force with her.

"He will wait," Areli sighed, "but once Urai arrives..."

"I know."

When Areli opened his eyes again and looked up at her, she was staring back at him in much the same deep, pensive, expression. This time, he did not speak first, and rather waited for her. This time, she did not keep him waiting long.

"Are you ready to return to them?"

In his chest, Areli's heart constricted painfully. Truthfully, no, he was not. If the choice was his, he would remain here for another three weeks, allowing his wounds to heal and his strength to return and his daughter to feel safe for a time. That was hardly an option, though. Urai was virtually on their doorstep, and she would not accept that answer. Tehraiza likely knew all of this, but the fact that she still presented Areli with the final choice was touching.

"No," Areli admitted. "I can stand...I can walk...but I cannot do so for long periods of time, nor can I ride, nor can I fight. My wounds still pain me, sometimes grievously. I still require medical attention. I cannot travel. I certainly cannot lead a contingent of the army. But I see no other choice but to return and do what I can. For my daughter's sake."

"Would Urai truly force you to take the field again so soon?" Tehraiza asked, and there was an edge to her tone that had not been there before. Lying on his side, Areli subconsciously curled slightly; logically, he knew Tehraiza was very much in control of her emotions, and that she would not lash out at him for a refusal to answer. But only a week of hard conditioning had taught him that questions meant pain, and hesitance to answer only resulted in more.

"Is there no other way than to return to her?" Tehraiza pressed. Areli turned his head away then and pressed it into the pillow he had placed between his cheek and his arm for more support. It was difficult, almost too difficult, to look at Tehraiza right now. The war inside of himself was being fought just as fervently as the one outside as the half of himself that felt obligated to Tehraiza vehemently railed against the half of himself that swore that no one could be trusted. This time, Tehraiza did not press him again, but he could positively feel the tension radiating off of her. This conflict was because of him, he realized. He was the reason Tehraiza had become involved. If nothing else, she deserved to know why.

"We are useless unless we are united," he finally revealed, the words rushing out in the middle of a pained, resigned sigh. "What she is searching for is not an object or a spell or some piece of's a person." Tehraiza was still silent; Areli still did not raise his head. Now that he had started, it was easier to continue. "When she first set off on her own, with seven others, myself included, she sought a way to make all of us more powerful. We all collaborated, and she cast the spell, and we became The Pieces of Eight. As you know. And I'm sure you also know that one of our number was lost several years ago. But she invoked another magic.

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