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Prince lived his life in the now

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Prince lived his life in the now. If he ever looked back at his past, it was to remind himself of the competition he was in with himself. As we pulled up to the hotel in his blackout tinted Bentley, he stopped writing in the tattered notepad.

"I probably got about 20 songs in here waiting to get recorded. Every time I try to stay focused on one thing like the tour, I get inspired to write songs for another project. It's kind of a gift and a curse.." His demeanor said it all. He was haunted with a gift millions of people lobe—

"Dammit." I dislodged the typewriter, taking the paper from it and carefully spreading the white out over my misspelling. I gently blew on the paper, noticing the time on my watch. 2:44am.

The numbers brought back the red light of the bedside clock and the feeling of hands around my neck, kisses trailing down my back and a voice telling me to let it go.

I quickly shake the spine-tingling memory from my thoughts, putting the paper back in place. "Sasha Pierce, Sasha Pierce, Sasha Pierce."


A/N: It's been about 5 years since I published a story here. A lot has changed. I'm a new mother, I have a career, a dog, and a life partner. It's different and in some ways easier to write because of my experiences. I say all that to say, I started a draft of this narration when I was about 21 and I finally can bring it into fruition. I'm hoping some of the initial supporters are here to see it come to life and those of you that more recently found my stories will join me for this ride.

This is a tale of sex, love, lust and heartbreak.

- Asha 💜

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