Chapter Three

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I soon came to learn that Harry's bandmates were called Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. And man were One Direction a hit.

"That was our last song guys. Thanks so much for having us," said Niall.

The band started to shuffle off the stage, the stage crew already taking over ready to set up for the next band. I turned my attention to Liv and Amber who were like excitable little children.

"OMG, did that just happen? Tell me I'm not dreaming and that something great just came to Rye," Amber half said, half squealed.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, so you guys may have been right. They were amazing!"

"Not to mention, bloody beautiful. Every single one of them." Liv chipped in.

"I think I'm gonna leave you two to your fangirling while I go and grab us some more drinks. Same again?" I asked, knowing full well that the answer would be yes.

I headed back through the crowds and over to the bar, leaving Liv and Amber to it.

"Same again please James!" I smiled.

"Sure thing beautiful," James replied, "Oh, and nice dance moves by the way. Thought you said you weren't here for the newbies?"

"Oh really? Well that's a damn shame. I hope we didn't disappoint?" said a voice from behind. I turned around to see Harry and a smile instantly made its way onto my face.

"Not at all Harry. Quite the opposite actually," I grinned, "But now I feel even worse for spilling my drink on you, how embarrassing."

Harry laughed, "You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about Syd. You liked the set then?"

"Liked it? I loved it! Did you guys actually write all those songs?"

"We sure di-"

We were interrupted by a grumpy looking James coughing. "Sorry princess, but I haven't got all night to wait for you two to stop flirting," he said while looking Harry up and down. "Can I get you anything mate?"

"Oh no, I'm fine thank you. But here, this should cover Sydney's bill," Harry said, sliding a tenner over the counter to James. He continued to pick two of the glasses up gesturing for me to grab the third. "Mind if I help you? I'm assuming you're here with those girls you were dancing with and not just a secret alcoholic pretending to know people?" Harry finished with a wink.

I laughed. It's been a while since I properly laughed like this come to think of it. "I'd sure love to know what goes on in that head of yours if you think I'd do such a thing Harry," I replied, grinning. "And thank you by the way, for paying. You didn't have to do that" I continued as we made our way away from the bar area and towards my friends.

"It's my pleasure Sydney."

I flashed Harry another grin before we continued making our way through the crowd in silence. The next band had started to play but they had nothing on One Direction. The crowd were bobbing along, some people dancing here and there. A gentle buzz filling the room.

As we reached Liv and Amber, I couldn't help but laugh at their attempt at ballroom dancing along to the slow song. These two were quite the pair, but I couldn't help but feel a little proud as to call them my friends.

I caught Harry's eye and instantly burst out laughing along with him.

Liv and Amber came to an abrupt spot when they spot Harry with me. Ambers face flushed red with embarrassment which made me laugh even more.

"Harry," I said once I'd composed myself, "I'd like you to meet my two best friends in the entire world, Amber and Liv."

"Hello girls, how're you on this fine evening?" Harry said with a smile, "I believe these are yours." he continued, passing the girls their drinks.

"Hi Harry, it's so lovely to meet you," Liv said, side-eyeing me as she did so, her eyes widening at the fact a member of One Direction, the hottest new boyband in town, was standing right in front of her.

"Likewise. I bumped into Sydney before the set and promised myself I'd come and say hello again once we finished. Nice dance moves by the way," Harry added with a wink.

I started laughing again, remembering how we'd found Liv and Amber in eachothers arms just moments ago.

"Hi Harry," Amber said, having finally found her voice. "Thanks for the drinks. Great set by the way, you guys really have something you know?"

Harry smiled, "You think? You're not just saying that are you?"

"Absolutely not," Liv cut in, "You guys are like a breath of fresh air. Definitely a lot better than the usual bands we see up here – and trust us when I say we've seen a lot."

"Well, in that case, thank you both. We were super nervous with it being our first time playing here. Not sure we expected such a big crowd" Harry said, smiling still. What a beautiful smile I thought getting slightly lost in it.

Liv chuckled, "Oh trust me. You guys bought in the crowds. There was a lot of buzz about the new band in town wasn't there girls?"

"Oh definitely," Amber agreed, "So what brings you guys to Rye anyway? Bit of an odd place for five new good looking guys to turn up!"

"Actually, Zayn has lived near here all his life. We all sort of met through posting singing videos online, but figured in order to give it a proper go then we'd need to up and move in together. We wanted a nice quite town and this one won. So we all up and moved here a few weeks ago and have been laying low while we got writing some songs. Tonight was our first night showcasing some of the new ones so for you guys to say we were good means a lot, it really does." Harry explained, smiling a genuine smile at us.

I smiled back, "Most definitely good. You have nothing to worry about."

Amber looked back and forth between Harry and I, smiling to herself. "You know Harry, if you ever need any help song writing you can always ask little Sydney here. She's quite the musician herself." Amber grinned, acting oh so innocent.

I glared at her wondering why she'd opened her big mouth, "Oh no Harry, please ignore Amb-"

"Ambers right Harry, Sydney's good. She just doesn't give herself enough credit." Liv chimed in, smiling at me knowing that I couldn't get out of this one.

Harry smiled at me thoughtfully, "Is that so Syd? I'm sure the boys and myself would be really grateful to talk to a fellow musician. You'll have to come and join one of our song writing sessions some time!" Harry said, his voice sounding hopeful. "In fact, where are my manners, how about I introduce you girls to the rest of the band? No fair me keeping you all to myself!"

Before I had the chance to respond Harry grabbed my free hand, butterflies filling my stomach as he did so. "C'mon" he said, as he started to tug me through the crowd.

I turned back to the girls to make sure they were following. Low and behold they were, both of their faces full of excitement in anticipation of what is waiting just around the corner. 

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