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Symere's POV

I walked into my new school. I really didn't wanna go here but we had to move. When I walked in there wasn't many people there since it was only 6:30 AM.

I saw a tall kid talking to a dude a little shorter than him. I looked over and saw one short kid fighting another short kid. It's 6:30. Too damn early for this shit.

I looked at the small piece of paper I was given.

Locker number: 50

I started looking at the lockers and reading them as I go passed. I found it and unlocked it with the code.

I did what I needed too and more kids started coming in. The hallways quickly became full with students. Plus the strong ass smell of axe body spray.

People kept bumping into me "Shit sorry kid." Somebody said and I dropped my books. I am not that damn short

I kept walking and waited in the bathroom until the bell rang so that I wasn't getting pushed around. When the bell rang I left the bathroom and headed to my first class.

The teacher looked at me and stopped me. "Okay class! So we have a new student, we will let him introduce himself then we will start class!" The teacher smiles.

I just kinda shrugged "I'm Symere and I'm 18." I said. She smiled at me "I'm Mrs. Peaches and you may go take a seat by Tyler." She says, pointing the tall kid from earlier.

I nod and make my way over there. I sit down and he waves at me. I wave back and smile. Deadass he kinda cute

I put my headphones in and rested my head on my hand. I started playing music and sighed softly.

I noticed that Tyler was doing that weird leg bounce thing and moving a lot. Damn bitch you got adhd? I giggled.

After a few hours class finally ended and we all got up and grabbed our bags. Tyler looked at me "Slymere right?" He asked "Symere." I corrected him. "Ohhh my bad. Anyway, I got two friend groups. Both are weird." He smiles then continues "If you wanna join one of them feel welcome to! Only Jahseh bites" he says then walks off.

Nigga w ha t?


I yawned, finally school was over and I was tired as fuck. But of course I agreed to hang out with my new friends because I really don't know why. We went to a nearby chicken place.

Most people just went home so there wasn't a lot of us. There was me, Jah, Stoke, Tyler, Gus, and Jazz. Once we were sat down and handed menus Jah said something "So Symere, tell me more about the demon stuff." Jah smiled.

"Okay so-" we basically had a full on conversation about demon stuff. The waiter showed up "Hey I'm Marius, what would y'all like to drink?" He asked, taking out his notepad and pen.

He looked high as fuck. Stoke went first "I'd like a Sprite." He said and after that we all ordered. Marius nodded and walked off.

"He was really cute." Jahseh giggles. "On devil." I laughed and Stoke glared at Jah. "Oh so I ain't cute?" Stoke asked him and Jah looked at him "Nah you cute. But yo attitude ain't." Jah rolled his eyes at the last part.

"Ooo Tracy" Gus said, catching Jazz's attention. We call him Tracy but his name is Jazz. "Hm?" Tracy looked at Gus's phone who had what looked like a hello Kitty plushie on the screen.

"Y'all like hello kitty?" Tyler asked. Gus looked at him and just blinked. "Well no shit." He said, pointing to his hat. I was quiet. Until I looked up at them.

"Is ecastay legal here?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Ewk drugs." Jah said. Stokeley looked at him "Nigga you deadass just got over your molly addiction." Stokeley said. "well I was trying to be all anti-drugs but since you wanna bring up my issues how about that smoking addiction?" Jah raised his eyebrow.

"That's cute, how is the fighting thing?" Stoke shot. "What about your alcholic thing?" Jah shot back. "What about those 8 niggas you stabbed?" Stoke rolled his eyes. "What about that video of you on pornhub?"

"Hey can y'all shut the fuck up? The waiter is here. And he's trying to hand you y'all drinks." Tracy said.

Jah got embrassed "Did you hear the thing about the stabbing?" Jah asked him and Marius nodded his head. "I won't tell anybody. I don't care." He shrugged and gave Jah and Stoke their drinks and pulled out his notepad and pen again.

We ordered food and he walked away again. "Damn you two messy." I rolled my eyes.

𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴//𝘜𝘻𝘪, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳Where stories live. Discover now