Chapter One

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Soldier trembled, he couldn't ever imagine being more scared then he already was. Torcher stood in front of him,extremely angry. He would usually take his aggression out on Soldier. He already had a burn on his face from him, what more could he want? He felt like he was going to cry, but didn't because he was afraid of Torcher calling him "A useless weakling". His eyes were closed tight and he was waiting for Torcher to hurt him. Though the expected pain never came.

He opened his eye and looked at him. He had his- No, that couldn't be right. Torcher never took his mask off. Soldier could see only one emotion in his eyes... Stress. Soldier put his arms down and hesitated before pulling him into a hug, which caught him off surprise.

Torcher had never been shown any affection. Not even his parents gave him attention. Though they did abuse him, which lead to his aggression issues. Yet, here he was, being hugged by the person who he hurt most. Torcher was in a daze, he didn't know how to react. Should he push him away or enjoy the embrace. He sighed and hugged the soldier back. He looked down at Soldier and saw all the scars, the burns, and heavy bags under his eyes. Did he inflict all this damage? Of course he did!

He looked at the Soldier again and saw that he had fallen asleep in his arms. Torcher smiled softly and edged closer to his desk, trying not to wake up the soldier in his arms. Pulling out his office chair he sat down and placed Soldier on his lap. He snuggled in closer to Torcher's cheast and drifted off again. Torcher saw no point in trying to get his work done and began to fall asleep, Soldier in his arms.

"Hey Torcher...", Poley said opening the door. He looked at where he normally sat and saw Soldier and Torcher asleep cuddling together. He never saw Torcher sleep.. Asuming he slept. He thought it was kinda cute to see Soldier cuddling his best friend. He was glad Torcher had found the person he always has been under his mask.
"I think I'll come back later."

The moment he stepped out and closed the door, he saw Mimi carrying Mousy on her back.
"Is he okay?"
"Don't worry, he's fine Mimi."
Mousy tilted her head in confusion.
"Is there something we don't know about?"
"You two can look for yourselves, if you'd like."

Poley walked by them and Mousy opened the door and the two poked their heads inside.
"Cute indeed Mousy."
"Who knew Torcher could actually be nice."
"I don't think anyone did."
"We should head back now, I didn't tell Robby we left."
Mimi nodded and closed the door as the two headed out of Outpost and back to the Mall.

Torcher could feel some form of shaking in his lap, waking up he looked down and saw Soldier trembling in his sleep. He could see tears in his eyes, Torcher almost instantly knew he was having a nightmare 
"Hey, relax, I'm here."
He woke up panting, visible fear. He looked like he was going to cry out. Torcher hugged him, holding him close. As if he was afraid to let go.

Soldier was at this point in tears. He felt like something was going to stab him or kill both of them if he let it. Torcher was trying to comfort him but he was terrified.

Torcher began to caress his cheek, trying to calm the paranoid soldier down. He didn't even care about the fact he hurt the poor soldier, he just wanted him to stop crying. He knew one way his siblings calmed him down before going to sleep. But that was when he lived with his parents who hated him.

The memories were fuzzy and hard to remember. But he could remember his older brother kissing his forehead every night since his parents didn't. It usually calmed him down a little. But he was hesitant to do it to Soldier since they just started getting along.

Soldier soon began to calm down, much to Torcher's delight. Though tears still streamed his face. Torcher sighed and was about to step out of his comfort zone. He knew he was about to regret his entire existence.

He kissed Soldier's cheek, turning the soldier into a blushing mess. Covering his head in his face, trying to hide the blush in his palms. But in all honesty, Soldier honestly liked the kiss.

He has a secret crush on his boss but that was the last thing he'd expect from Torcher. Let alone anyone. But then again, everyone else was dead, infected, or running around avoiding everyone. Torcher was the only one left that wasn't dead.... Well... sorta. All the soldiers had been killed or mangled by Zizzy. 



He didn't want to lose the only person he had left. Even if it was the person who hurt him the most, he was just happy there was someone there for him....

858 words
I want to hug Soldier right now :(
Well this is more trouble then it's worth.

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